Financial Dollarization in the Turkish Economy

EconAnadolu 2011 Anadolu International Conference in Economics


Financial dollarization and currency substitution in Turkey
Başkurt, Özge; Özmen, Erdal; Department of Economics (2005)
This study aims to investigate currency substitution and financial dollarization in Turkey. The extend of dollarization in Turkey appears to be very high according to both the conventional currency substitution and the recently developed financial dollarization measures. This has serious policy implications as a source of financial fragility through currency/maturity mismatches and balance sheet effects. The empirical part of this study contained an investigation of the long run relationships between the va...
Financial development and economic fluctuations
Tiryaki, Gisele Ferreira (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2003-6-1)
This paper provides empirical evidence on the link between financial system development and business cycles volatility. Previous studies have shown that economic fluctuations become less pronounced as the financial system of a country develops. This paper reveals that this result is not apparent when dealing with shorter horizons and when considering the behavior of other components of output, such as private investment and consumption. Using a dynamic Generalized Method of Moments technique on a cros...
Financial dollarization, monetary policy stance and institutional structure : the experience of Latin America and Turkey
Uzun, Arzu; Özmen, Erdal; Department of Economics (2005)
Financial dollarization, defined as the substantial presence of foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities in the balance sheets of the main sectors of an economy, is a widespread phenomenon among developing economies, especially in Latin America and Turkey. Since financial dollarization often causes financial fragility and limits the effectiveness of monetary policy, the causes and consequences of it and dedollarization strategies have been placed at the forefront of policy debates especially in d...
Financial innovations in developing countries : the case of Turkey
Hergüner, Armağan Önder; Ağır, Münis Seven; Department of Economics (2015)
Financial innovation is an important phenomenon in the development scheme of financial markets, gaining more ground after the 1980s. The primary aim of this thesis is to investigate two cases of financial innovation in Turkey: Credit card installments and gold accounts. Financial innovation literature lacks an examination of financial innovations in developing countries and does not present any alternative explanations behind their emergence. Differences between institutional structures and the effect of fi...
Financial innovations in developing countries : the case of Turkey
Gökatalay, Semih; Ağır, Münis Seven; Department of Economics (2015)
There is a significant literature that investigates business interest groups and how they interact with public and private interests. Yet, the historical evolution of business interest groups in Turkey is still meager. With the start of the Second Constitutional Period, there was an increase in the number of corporations which were founded in the Ottoman Empire. Particularly, during the World War I, as a result of national economy policies, Muslim-Turkish ownership dominated these corporations and the new g...
Citation Formats
T. Serdaroğlu, E. Akbostancı Özkazanç, and G. İ. Tunç, “Financial Dollarization in the Turkish Economy,” presented at the EconAnadolu 2011 Anadolu International Conference in Economics, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: