Kültürel Süreçlerin Eğitim Ve Toplumsal Alandaki Eşitsizliklerin Üretimine Etkisi



Kültürel Göstergeler olarak Bilgilendirme ve Yönlendirme Grafikleri.
Sayın, Zülfükar; Erden, Nazif Kutay (2018-11-08)
Rethinking cultural heritage conservation: evaluation of the treatments of former prison sites /
Acar, Melih Emre; Bilgin Altınöz, Ayşe Güliz; Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Department of Architecture (2017)
The prevailing mindset of heritage practice which was originated in the early 20th century, is so associated with the ‘thing’ that causes incompetence in responding to cultural and social demands of heritage conservation. Therefore, this thesis examines the treatments of former prison sites with the aim of revealing contemporary agents of cultural heritage conservation that are utilized to sustain and, indeed, to nurture intangible features of heritages. The discourse that is constructed around the abandone...
Cultural factors as associates of workplace sexual harassment perceptions and coping preferences
Dinçal, Didem; Toker, Yonca; Department of Psychology (2019)
The present study examined the association of cultural variables which were liberalism/conservatism, uncertainty avoidance, ambivalent sexism, and organizational climate related to workplace Sexual Harassment (SH) with perceiving the ambiguous forms of social-sexual incidents namely sexist hostility, sexual hostility, and insinuation of interest as SH. Women’s coping preferences for different forms of SH were examined on an exploratory basis. Data were collected from 226 women and 154 men employers who were...
Kültürel Üretimin Ekonomi Politiği Kültürün Metalaşmasında Genel Eğilimler
Çakmur, Barış (1998-06-01)
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı medya tarafından gerçekleştirilen kültürel üretimin, bir meta üretimi olarak çözümlenmesini sunmaktır. Bu çerçevede, kültürel ürünlerin özgül doğalarının ve bunların bağlı oldukları üretim süreçlerinin özelinde öncelikle kültürel alan içinde sermaye dolaşımının nasıl gerçekleştiği ve bununla bağıntılı ideolojik süreçlerin bu yapıya nasıl eklemlendikleri vurgulanmıştır. Çalışmanın temel tezi, tekelci kapitalizm aşaması içinde kültürel üretimin maddi üretim ile eklemlenmiş olduğudur....
Sustainability of cultural heritage management : "Keklik street and its surrounding conservation and development project"
Ünver, Eda; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2006)
This thesis evaluates the Keklik Street and its Surrounding Conservation and Development Project with respect to sustainability principle of Cultural Heritage Management. The achievements and deficiencies of the Project will be discussed and a performance measurement of the physical, functional and organizational sustainability will be done. Finally, the thesis will emphasize the contribution of the sustainability principle of the management approach and its instruments to the heritage conservation process.
Citation Formats
D. Göktürk Ağın and D. Özel, “Kültürel Süreçlerin Eğitim Ve Toplumsal Alandaki Eşitsizliklerin Üretimine Etkisi,” FLSF (Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi), vol. 2021, no. 32, pp. 69–90, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1802473.