Aşağı enerji nötron-nötron saçılmasına yüke göre asimetrik olan etkiler

Yalçın, Cengiz


Aşağı Sınıflar Yüksek Tahyyüller Gündelikçi Kadınlar Emir Erleri ve Benzerlerine Dair
Erdoğan, Necmi (2000-01-01)
Aşağı Ceyhan-Aslantaş projesi için matematiksel modelleme ve optimizasyon çalışması
Waziruddin, Syed; Altınbilek, Doğan H.(1972)
Avian community patterns in the lesser caucasus (northeastern turkey)
Atkın Gençoğlu, Gülden; Bilgin, Cemal Can; Department of Biology (2007)
Species composition, diversity and species-habitat relations are widely used to describe communities. This study aimed to document diversity, composition and habitat relations of avian communities of the Turkish Lesser Caucasus by using point counts and multivariate analyses. 2845 individuals of 101 bird species were observed at 215 stations located in the study area. Point counts were revealed to be a useful method for terrestrial birds, especially passerines. Species richness and diversity changed signifi...
Spectral analysis of an ultraluminous X-ray source Swift J0243.6+6124
Islamov, Gubad; Baykal, Altan; Department of Physics (2021-9)
In this thesis, the spectral analysis on the first galactic ultraluminous X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 has been carried out. This peculiar object has been firstly observed by Swift observatory during its outburst in the late 2017 – early 2018 and it is a part of a Be/X-ray binary system. Observations obtained from NuSTAR observatory have been utilized in this study. The analysis showed that the source underwent drastic changes from the beginning of its outburst stage, during the peak of the outburst and...
Bayesian modelling for asymmetric multi-modal circular data
Kılıç, Muhammet Burak; Kalaylıoğlu Akyıldız, Zeynep Işıl; Sengupta, Ashis; Department of Statistics (2015)
In this thesis, we propose a Bayesian methodology based on sampling importance re-sampling for asymmetric and bimodal circular data analysis. We adopt Dirichlet process (DP) mixture model approach to analyse multi-modal circular data where the number of components is not known. For the analysis of temporal circular data, such as hourly measured wind directions, we join DP mixture model approach with circular times series modelling. The approaches are illustrated with both simulated and real life data sets. ...
Citation Formats
C. Yalçın, “Aşağı enerji nötron-nötron saçılmasına yüke göre asimetrik olan etkiler,” 1974. Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/95618.