Model for housing finance in Turkey

Baş, Ayhan


Model for the development of the Turkish Petrochemical Industry
Gürkan, Türker; Kartal, Nurten (Elsevier BV, 1989-12)
Modeling of the cement demand of Turkey
Ergen, Ismail Tolga; Özgen, Canan; Yağız, Faruk; Department of Chemical Engineering (1996)
Model concept for analytical invesitgation of flashhover performance of polluted insulators.
Koraşlı, Celal; Department of Electrical Engineering (1973)
Modeling of gas demand using degree-day concept: Case study for Ankara
Gumrah, F; Katircioglu, D; Aykan, Y; Okumus, S; Kilincer, N (2001-02-01)
The demand for natural gas is rapidly increasing in Turkey as it is in the rest of the world. However, natural gas reserves and production are rather limited in Turkey. The bulk of the Turkish gets demand is met by imports. Russia currently accounts for 69% of Turkey's gas supplies. Physical shortages might occur; supplies for industrial production and household consumption could temporarily run short. Also, fluctuations in consumption might occur due to climatic reasons or peak daily industrial energy dema...
Models for capacity and electricity market design
Vasin, Alexander; Kartunova, Polina; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm (2013-09-01)
The paper employs Operations Research methods for analysis of electricity and capacity markets. We provide two algorithms that determine the optimal capacity structure with account of fixed and variable costs. The first one relates to the case where there are several capacity types, and for each type the capacity constraint is not binding. The second algorithm is applicable when electricity is produced by standard small generators with the same capacity and different costs. Then we study two typical archite...
Citation Formats
A. Baş, “Model for housing finance in Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 1994.