Investigating interactions in an entrepreneurial ecosystem: The case of Individual Young Entrepreneurship (BiGG) Support Program in Turkey

Erdolu, Şeyhmus Ekin
Entrepreneurship is a collaborative social process that involves diverse set of actors and activities. Researchers in policy studies often describe these entrepreneurial activities involving these actors through a set of social and financial interactions. In recent years, some policy studies have begun to concentrate on particular regions or countries and focus on understanding the entrepreneurial dynamics in these contexts. To refer to these dynamics, the researchers introduced the concept of “entrepreneurial ecosystem”. This thesis investigates the interaction dynamics in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Turkey focusing on a public support initiative: the TUBITAK Individual Young Entrepreneurship (the BiGG) Program. The thesis is built around three questions: (1) What type of interactions does the BiGG program facilitate? (2) How do various actors that conduct or participate in the program interact? (3) What kind of benefits or feedback do these interactions facilitate? By researching these questions, the thesis relies on the qualitative inductive methodology, including the review of secondary sources about the program framework and 30 in-depth interviews with the participating actors. It offers a detailed analysis, description, and documentation of the activities, actors, and interactions under the BiGG program framework. The findings would help enrich our understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Turkey, reveal its effects and limitations, and provide a basis for policy implications.


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Citation Formats
Ş. E. Erdolu, “Investigating interactions in an entrepreneurial ecosystem: The case of Individual Young Entrepreneurship (BiGG) Support Program in Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.