Farklı açılardan biçimbilimsel işlemleme

Kırkıcı, Bilal
Çağlar, Ozan Can
Oğuz, Enis
20th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (ICTL)


Construction of gay identity among different classes : a case study in Ankara
Ural, Haktan; Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; Department of Sociology (2010)
This thesis mainly aims to understand how construction of gay identity differentiates in terms of class inequalities. Regarding the conceptual framework of Deniz Kandiyoti, it inquires in what way class position reshapes the experience of gay sexuality and how gay men of different classes bargain with heteronormative order through different perceptions of homoeroticism and gender identities. In discussing this issue, how gay men identify themselves, how they represent their body, how they interact with and ...
Evil in fairy tales across cultures : a study of Turkish and British fairy tales from a psychological perspective
Büyü, Gül; Sönmez, Margaret Jeanne M.; Department of English Literature (2013)
The thesis analyses the concept of evil in Turkish and British fairy/folk tales from Melanie Klein and C. Fred Alford’s psychoanalytical point of view. The study concentrates on Naki Tezel and Joseph Jacobs’s collections of fairy/folk tales and examines twenty-nine Turkish and thirty-nine British tales. The thesis argues that evil in these fairy tales results from the feeling of envy, jealousy, greed, dread or the struggle for power and superiority. In these selected tales, evil is observed in the form of t...
Farklı nitelikteki biyolojik ağların entegrasyonu ve yerel topolojik özellik vektörleri tabanlı karşılaştırılması
Akarsu, Andaç; Aydın Son, Yeşim; Can, Tolga(2016)
In this project, we developed a framework for the analysis of integrated genome-scale networks using using directed graphlet signatures. In addition, we developed a novel graph layout algorithm specific for visualizing aligned networks. Analysis of integrated genome-scale networks is a challenging problem due to heterogeneity of high-throughput data. There are several topological measures, such as graphlet counts, for characterization of biological networks. In this project, we present methods for counting ...
Farklı yağış verileri kullanarak bir anitaşkın olayının incelenmesi
Yücel, İsmail (2015-12-01)
Farklı kanser tiplerine model hücre hatlarında ilaç dirençlilik mekanizmalarının moleküler yöntemlerle incelenmesi ve geri çevrilmesi
Kars, Meltem Demirel; Gündüz, Ufuk; Baran, Yusuf; Mutlu, Pelin Kaya; İşeri, Darcansoy Özlem; Ural, Uğur Ali(2008)
Citation Formats
B. Kırkıcı, E. ATAMAN, O. C. Çağlar, E. Oğuz, O. DEMİR, and N. ÇELİKKOL, “Farklı açılardan biçimbilimsel işlemleme,” presented at the 20th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (ICTL), Eskişehir, Türkiye, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/102149.