Ömer Saatçioğlu

Prof. Dr. Ömer Saatçioğlu completed his undergraduate degrees at METU Department of Business Administration in 1961 and METU Mechanical Engineering in 1964. Saatçioğlu, who started his master's degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1964, went to the University of Pittsburgh to complete his doctorate. After receiving his doctorate degree from the Operations Research and Systems Management Engineering Department of the University of Pittsburgh in 1970, he returned to the METU Department of Business Administration. He became Assistant Professor in 1971, Associate Professor in 1977, and Professor in 1985. He was the rector of METU between 1987-1992 and the chairman of the Interuniversity Board between 1988-1989. He served as visiting professor at Widener University (Chester, Pennsylvania) between 1979-1980 and the University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin) between 1980-1982. The areas that Ömer Saatçioğlu's research focuses on are; production planning, quality planning and control, transportation planning, workforce planning, garbage management system, management information systems, reorganization of industrial systems, and university management system. One of the subjects he primarily focuses on is strategic planning and performance measurement at the university.
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