Ulus Baker

Ulus Baker, who is a sociologist, writer, translator, and lecturer, was born in Ankara on July 14, 1960, as the son of Psychiatrist Sedat Baker and poet Pembe Marmara. After completing his undergraduate education at METU Sociology Department, he worked in the Sociology department. He was interested in the fields of cinema history, mass media, and political theory. He gave lectures under METU-GISAM named "Modern Visual Arts and Visual Thinking" and Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences entitled "Economic Politics of the New and History of Political Thoughts After 68". Baker translated Gilles Deleuze's lectures on Kant, Spinoza, and Leibniz and two books titled İki Konferans: Yaratma Eylemi Nedir?, Müzikal Zaman and Spinoza: Pratik Felsefe into Turkish. His articles were published in Journals Birikim, Toplum Bilim, Virgül, and he also took part with the staff that prepared Sosyalizm ve Toplumsal Mücadeleler Ansiklopedisi (İletişim, 1998). His published books were: Aşındırma Denemeleri; Kanaatlerden İmajlara: Duygular Sosyolojisine Doğru; Dolaylı Eylem; Beyin Ekran; Yüzeybilim: Fragmanlar. Baker died on July 12, 2007 in Istanbul.
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