B Type 7. Dormitory Construction (1974)

In a meeting he had about dormitories with a delegation from the State Planning Organization, Kemal Kurdaş, who served as the President of METU between 1961 and 1969, said: "It goes against the grain not to build dormitories on a modern university campus... Dormitories are one of the significant contributors to quality education ... The way I see it, it is an indispensable necessity for a university with a campus like METU to have a dormitory / bed capacity of at least 20-25% of its student body ..." With this in mind, METU, which was founded in 1956, started the construction of dormitories on campus to meet the accommodation needs of its students, and a total of 19 dormitories were built by 2014. The 7th dormitory was opened in 1976.
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