Buket Özkaya

Graduate School of Applied Mathematics
On some permutation trinomials in characteristic three
Özkaya, Buket; Gülmez Temür, Burcu (2024-07-01)
New distance bounds for quasi-cyclic codes
Özkaya, Buket; Özbudak, Ferruh (2024-07-01)
On a class of permutation trinomials over finite fields
Özkaya, Buket; Gülmez Temür, Burcu (2024-07-01)
Complete Characterization of a Class of Permutation Trinomial in Characteristic Five
Grassl, Markus; Özbudak, Ferruh; Özkaya, Buket; Gülmez Temür, Burcu (2024-02-01)
In this paper, we address an open problem posed by Bai and Xia in [2]. We study polynomials of the form f (x) = x4q+1 + λ1 x5q + λ2 x q+4 over the finite field F5k , which are not quasi- multiplicative equivalent to any of...
Improved Spectral Bound for Quasi-Cyclic Codes
Luo, Gaojun; Ezerman, Martianus Frederic; Ling, San; Özkaya, Buket (2024-01-01)
Spectral bounds form a powerful tool to estimate the minimum distances of quasi-cyclic codes. They generalize the defining set bounds of cyclic codes to those of quasi-cyclic codes. Based on the eigenvalues of quasi-cyclic...
Quasi-twisted codes as contractions of quasi-cyclic codes
Özkaya, Buket; Özbudak, Ferruh (2023-10-01)
A Comparison of Distance Bounds for Quasi-Twisted Codes
Ezerman, Martianus Frederic; Lampos, John Mark; Ling, San; Özkaya, Buket; Tharnnukhroh, Jareena (2021-10-01)
Spectral bounds on the minimum distance of quasi-twisted codes over finite fields are proposed, based on eigenvalues of polynomial matrices and the corresponding eigenspaces. They generalize the Semenov-Trifonov and Zeh-Li...
Quasi-cyclic codes
Özkaya, Buket; Güneri, Cem; Ling, San (CRC, New York , 2021-03-01)
New bounds on the minimum distance of cyclic codes
Ling, San; Özkaya, Buket (2021-02-01)
Two bounds on the minimum distance of cyclic codes are proposed. The first one generalizes the Roos bound by embedding the given cyclic code into a cyclic product code. The second bound also uses a second cyclic code, name...
On complementary dual multinegacirculant codes
Alahmadi, Adel; Guneri, Cem; Özkaya, Buket; Shoaib, Hatoon; Sole, Patrick (2020-01-01)
Linear codes with complementary duals intersect with their duals trivially. Multinegacirculant codes that are complementary dual are characterized algebraically and some good codes are found in this family. Exact enumerati...
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