Chapter 9: Chaos in the Mass-Deformed ABJM Model

Chaotic dynamics of the mass deformed ABJM model is explored. To do so, we consider spatially uniform fields and obtain a family of reduced effective Lagrangians by tracing over ansatz configurations involving fuzzy two-spheres with collective time dependence. We examine how the largest Lyapunov exponent, λL, changes as a function of E/N2, where N is the matrix size. In particular, we inspect the temperature dependence of λL and present upper bounds on the temperature above which λL values comply with the MSS bound, λL ≤ 2πT , and below which it will eventually be not obeyed.
Citation Formats
S. Kürkcüoğlu, Chapter 9: Chaos in the Mass-Deformed ABJM Model. 2023.