Verifiable Timed Commitments Explored Timed Signature Schemes and an Application to Sealed-bid Auctions

Özden, Duygu
Timed commitments are cryptographic primitives that allow one party to commit to a value for a specific duration of time while providing proof of the committed value's existence and integrity. This thesis explores the concept of verifiable timed commitments and investigates their applications in timed signature schemes and sealed-bid auctions. We discuss the security requirements, construction techniques, and computational complexity of the proposed signature schemes. Furthermore, we examine the application of verifiable timed commitments in sealed-bid auctions, which are widely used in sensitive bidding environments. Sealed-bid auctions require bidders to submit their bids privately, without knowledge of other participants' bids, and simultaneously reveal them at a predetermined time. We explore how timed commitments can ensure bid confidentiality, integrity, and fairness in sealed-bid auctions. We discuss the protocols for commitment generation, commitment opening, and bid verification, along with the necessary security considerations. The research employs a multi-disciplinary approach, including theoretical analysis, algorithm design, and applications, to assess the security of the proposed schemes based on verifiable timed commitments.
Citation Formats
D. Özden, “Verifiable Timed Commitments Explored Timed Signature Schemes and an Application to Sealed-bid Auctions,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2023.