Mustafa Parlar

He was born in 1925 in Yayla Village of Rize's Hemşin township. He received his bachelor's degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1949, his master's degree from Northwestern University in 1950, and his doctorate from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute in 1954. During his time in America, he worked as a research engineer at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute for 4 years and as an assistant professor at Clarkson College of Technology for one year. After working at the EIE Administration for a short time when he returned home, he served as an operations research officer in the Scientific Advisory Board of the General Staff. After his military service, he entered the Middle East Technical University and served as Education Director in 1957, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department in 1958, and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering between 1960-1970. Mustafa PARLAR was promoted to Associate Professor in 1964 and to Professor in 1969. In the 1966-1967 academic year, he taught and conducted research as a guest professor at the University of California. He was appointed as METU Rector in 1970. However, he resigned from this position. He served as a Board Member and President of the Turkish Chamber of Electrical Engineers in 1969-1970. He became a member of parliament between 1973 and 1977. He returned to university in 1977 and served as the Founding Dean of METU İçel Faculty of Engineering Sciences. Lastly, he also served as the President of TÜBİTAK Solar Energy Support Research Unit, President of TÜBİTAK Turkey Energy Commission, and President of METU Energy Coordination Board. Prof. Dr. Mustafa PARLAR covered a very wide area in his academic studies and primarily took Turkey's needs into consideration. He initiated research at METU in different branches, from energy problems to communications. In addition to his managerial and academic duties, he provided consultancy services to public institutions and the United Nations General Secretariat. Industrialization problems made significant contributions to the establishment of the heavy electronics industry and the electronics industry. The realization of university-industry cooperation was the productive efforts of universities to make the most contribution to the solution of the country's technical problems. He pioneered the successful completion of some technological transfers in the field of electrotechnical and electronics. He made significant contributions to the organization for the solution of Turkey's energy problem. Mustafa N. PARLAR has 25 scientific papers published at home and abroad, five books, one of which is translated, many technical reports and nearly 60 articles published in newspapers. He has 4 children. Mustafa PARLAR defended not a scientific view that turned his back on the development problems of society and industry, but the university's contribution to society with the laboratories he established and the researchers he trained, and the effect of scientific thought in changing the environment and raising the standard of living, and played a constructive and creative role in this regard. Mustafa PARLAR was not defeated in the face of difficulties that could dull intelligence and talents; On the contrary, his strength was sharpened by these difficulties, and his determination to develop his country with higher technology ingrained his understanding of the university and the idea of ​​"science for life" that he gave to his students. At the Middle East Technical University, which had just begun to be established in the form of barracks in the 1950s, Mustafa PARLAR established a new science-industry relationship with his versatile personality and practice-oriented thoughts, and accordingly created a contemporary education approach. Today's Middle East Technical University has developed and become exalted around this concept. In order to keep the memory of Mustafa PARLAR alive, to serve Turkish education, and to carry out studies in line with the goals that he strived for throughout his life, METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. PARLAR Education and Research Foundation has been established. PARLAR's death anniversaries are remembered as reward days.
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