Energy transition and non-energy firms’ financial performance: Do markets value capability-based energy transition strategies?

Sirin, Selahattin Murat
Yılmaz, Berna Nisa
Energy transition has become a major challenge that will shape the global agenda in the coming decades. In addition to governments and major energy firms, non-energy firms also play a significant role in the energy transition with their growing share in renewable energy supply and other pro-environmental investments. Using the Resource-based View and Dynamic Capabilities perspectives, we discuss non-energy firms’ capability-based energy transition strategies and explore the channels through which these strategies affect their financial performance. We test our hypotheses using S&P 500 firms’ data and show that capability-based energy transition strategies have had a positive moderating effect on the relationship between the renewable energy sector performance and non-energy firms’ financial performance in the short term. Furthermore, these strategies have had a positive moderating effect on the relationship between fossil fuel prices and non-energy firms’ financial performance in the long term. Our findings indicate that capability-based energy transition strategies created a virtuous investment–return opportunity for non-energy firms between 2009 and 2021.
Energy Economics
Citation Formats
S. M. Sirin and B. N. Yılmaz, “Energy transition and non-energy firms’ financial performance: Do markets value capability-based energy transition strategies?,” Energy Economics, vol. 136, pp. 0–0, 2024, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: