Abdullah Yalçın Göğüş

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Yalçın Göğüş was born on 22.06.1934 in Gaziantep. He graduated from Munich Technical University with a bachelor's degree on 16.12.1957 and a doctorate degree on 21.04.1964. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Yalçın Göğüş started working as a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department of our University's Faculty of Engineering on 06.11.1961, was appointed as an assistant professor on 17.04.1964, as an associate professor on 20.10.1969, and as a professor on 01.03.1976. He served as Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department between 1971 and 1973. In 1976, he founded the Turkish Thermal Science and Technology Association with a group of academics from ITU and METU. He served as president of the association between 1976-1979 and 1993-1994. During his presidency, the Journal of Thermal Science and Technology began publication. Between 1980 and 1986, he founded the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Makerere University in Uganda and served as a faculty member. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Yalçın Göğüş worked at our University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering, from 13.10.1986 to 22.06.2001. He served as the Head of the Aerospace Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering between 28.11.1994 and 28.11.1997. Prof. Dr. He published the Turkish Dictionary of Thermal Sciences together with Ercan Ataer. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Yalçın Göğüş retired from his position at our University on 22.06.2001.
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