Category-theoretic formulation of relational materialism

Baytaş, Bekir
Derin, Ozan Ekin
This brief brochure is intended to present a philosophical theory known as relational materialism. We introduce the postulates and principles of the theory, articulating its ontological and epistemological content using the language of category theory. The identification of any existing entity is primarily characterized by its relational, finite, and non-static nature. Furthermore, we provide a categorical construction of particularities within the relational materialist onto-epistemology. Our objective is to address and transform a specific perspective prevalent in scientific communities into a productive network of philosophical commitments.
Citation Formats
B. Baytaş and O. E. Derin, “Category-theoretic formulation of relational materialism,” 2024, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: