Nazlı Eylem Kahveci

Nazlı Eylem Kahveci was born in 1981. She graduated from Ankara Gazi Anatolian High School as valedictorian in 1998. She completed her undergraduate studies at METU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department in 2002. In the same year, she joined the University of Southern California (USC) Electrical Engineering Department as a research assistant and received her Master's degree in 2004 and her PhD in 2007. During her doctoral studies, she completed the minor program on unmanned aerial vehicles in the Department of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering, completed the necessary courses for the mathematics minor, participated in research projects at "NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, CA" and "The Boeing Company, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Everett, WA", and won the "Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship" and "Boeing Satellite Systems Platinum Scholarship" awards. Before returning to university as an academic, she worked for a while in high-technology companies to gain experience. She worked as a research engineer at “Ford Research and Advanced Engineering, Dearborn, MI” in 2008-2010, as a chief engineer at “Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing, Inc Ann Arbor, MI” in 2011-2012, as a technical specialist at “AVL Research & Engineering, Istanbul” in 2012-2015, and as a technical specialist at “Ford Global Powertrain Systems Engineering, Livonia, MI” on behalf of this company in 2013-2015. Nazlı E. Kahveci, who has taken active roles in the technical committees of various conferences organized by institutions and scientific organizations such as IEEE, ACC and AIAA, and has served as an Associate Editor in “Control Engineering Practice, A Journal of IFAC” and “SAE International Journal of Engines” since 2014, has numerous scientific publications and awards. In 2015, she returned to METU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department as an assistant professor and left us shortly after receiving the title of faculty member. A memorial article for our teacher Nazlı was published in “IEEE Control Systems Magazine” by Prof. Petros Ioannou.
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