Accueil et inclusion des migrant.e.s par le football en France et en Allemagne : premières études comparatives

Şenyuva, Özgehan
Göçer Akder, Derya
Sonntag, Albrecht
Puech, Julien
Both in France and Germany, sport, and in particular football, have a longtradition in offering migrants an opportunity to socialize in their new host society. Themassive migration flows since 2015 have highlighted again how football can contributeto welcoming and including refugees. The article brings together two independentlyconducted, but very complementary studies carried out over recent years. The firstone, based on ethnographic field work in France and Germany, focuses on structural differences between the grassroots football volunteers on the field and their respectivepositioning within relationships of interdependence with other actors. The second onepresents the results of a survey among football volunteers administered towards the endof a transnational project. While the objectives of football volunteers and the impact oftheir activities show a high level of similarity, the studies also reveal major differences.
Citation Formats
Ö. Şenyuva, D. Göçer Akder, A. Sonntag, and J. Puech, Accueil et inclusion des migrant.e.s par le football en France et en Allemagne : premières études comparatives. 2024.