The Gender GAP in Turkish education

Güngör, Ayadım Deniz


The Gender Gap In Turkish Education - A Regional Approach
Güngör, Ayadım Deniz (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2001)
Regression analysis is used to investigate cross-provincial schooling patterns in Turkey for the years 1980 and 1994, using enrollment rate data by gender for the primary, middle, and high school levels computed here for the first time for Turkey’s provinces. The results suggest an increase in enrollments at all school levels in 1994 relative to 1980. However, the results also suggest that enrollment increases in the lower-income provinces have not kept up with enrollment increases in the higher-income prov...
The Impact of EU-based Populism on Turkey-EU Relations
Alpan, Başak Zeynep (Informa UK Limited, 2019-10-02)
The May 2019 EP elections once again highlighted the current cultural backlash throughout Europe against progressive values such as cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism, which impacts on the 'future of Europe' debate, raising important questions for the evolution of Turkey-EU relations. Even though Turkey is no longer a hot topic in EU political parlance and public opinion, opposition to Turkish EU membership continues in the form of nativism, particularly with reference to the issues of immigration and Isl...
The pattern and process of urban social exclusion in İstanbul
Çelik, Özlem; Rittersberger Tılıç, Helga İda; Department of Sociology (2008)
The main aim of the thesis is to analyse the recent socio-spatial patterns of Istanbul, in which squatter areas on publicly-owned land (gecekondu) and old historical centre of the city are subjected to regeneration projects, under the impact of making Istanbul a “purified” place for the significant social classes via exclusion of the “others”. The formulations of Henri Lefebvre for analysing the production of (social) space are used as the conceptual framework of the thesis. To reveal the case study, the re...
Kat Mülkiyeti Ve Kentleşmemiz
Balamir, Murat (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1975)
Fragmentation of ownership rights in space, ordinarily cause a multitude of problems in the market system. It often results in a general inconsistency and retardation of development, and hinders the realisation of higher rents that would have been accrued if the pattern of fragmentation was different. As such, it discloses major obstacles for urban planning, Apart from its incidence in urban land, Turkish urbanization seems to experience another form of ownership fragmentation"; 'Independently usable parts'...
The Impact Of Rising Kazakh Nationalism On Minorities In The Post-Soviet Nation-Building
Binici, Duygu; Ergun Özbolat, Ayça; Department of Eurasian Studies (2022-6)
This study examines process of nation-building in Kazakhstan with concentrating on the nature of majority-minority relations regarding the rising nationalism in Kazakhstan. To gain a better perspective on Kazakhstan's nation-building policies, the thesis examines the post-Soviet nation-building experiences and the legacy of the Russian Empire and Soviet nationality policies particularly in Kazakhstan. Moreover, the state's nation-building policies attempt to construct Kazakh nation after independence are pu...
Citation Formats
A. D. Güngör, “The Gender GAP in Turkish education,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.