R and D support, innovation and employment generation: The Turkish Experience

Üçdoğruk, Yeşim
This thesis assesses how technology policy, R&D activities and innovativeness interact to yield higher economic performance in Turkish manufacturing industries. The first aim of this thesis is to analyze the role of R&D support programs as one of the instruments of technology policy on the demand for researchers. We evaluated the impact of R&D support receiving on the demand for researchers by estimating a two stage treatment effect model that solves the problem of selection bias and found that receiving R&D support encourages firms to demand more researchers. The second aim of this thesis is to analyze the determinants of generating product and process innovations. We evaluated the determinants of generating product and process innovations by estimating a bivariate probit model and found that the determinants of generating product and process innovations were related but they varied with the technological level and opportunity of the industry. The last aim of this thesis is to analyze the effect of product and process innovations on employment. We hypothesized that these two types of innovations have different impacts on employment and test this hypothesis by estimating two different econometric models: the first one is a treatment effect model controlling for the endogeneity of innovations and the second one is a selection model that controls for survival status of the firm. We found that the impact of product innovations on the employment growth rate is negative and the impact of process innovations on the employment growth rate is positive regardless of technology level of industries.


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Citation Formats
Y. Üçdoğruk, “R and D support, innovation and employment generation: The Turkish Experience,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2005.