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Social potentials of pattern: Cedric Price’s fun palace
Özkoç, Onur
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The aim of the thesis is to re-read the design process of Cedric Price’s Fun Palace via “patterns of utopia” in order to understand and discuss how social imagination guides practice of architecture. Social imagination, as conceptualized in this thesis, denotes the intellectual activity of critically observing the social context and utilizing available resources in favor of new social possibilities. It can be argued that architectural practice is continuously subjected to political, cultural, and financial changes, the accumulation of which may easily bring forth changes in programmatic and physical aspects of space. The thesis claims that in order to keep in pace with the extents of change and variation in social experience, architectural production requires the integration of social imagination into the design process. Keeping this in mind, patterns of utopia are conceptualized as guidelines that help the integration of social imagination into the design process. In turn, Price’s Fun Palace is re-read from the scope of patterns, in order to understand the relations between social dimension of the project and how this dimension is reflected onto the design of a flexible set of programs.
Subject Keywords
Price, Cedric.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
O. Özkoç, “Social potentials of pattern: Cedric Price’s fun palace,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2009.