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Search for extra dimensions in diphoton events from proton–proton collisions at $\sqrt {s} = 7\,$ TeV in the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Aad, G.
Abajyan, T.
Abbott, B.
Abdallah, J.
Abdel Khalek, S.
Abdelalim, A. A.
Abdinov, O.
Aben, R
Abi, B
Abolins, M
AbouZeid, O S
Abramowicz, H
Abreu, H
Acharya, B S
Adamczyk, L
Adams, D L
Addy, T N
Adelman, J
Adomeit, S
Adragna, P
Adye, T
Aefsky, S
Aguilar-Saavedra, J A
Agustoni, M
Aharrouche, M
Ahlen, S P
Ahles, F
Ahmad, A
Ahsan, M
Aielli, G
Akdogan, T
Åkesson, T P A
Akimoto, G
Akimov, A V
Alam, M S
Alam, M A
Albert, J
Albrand, S
Aleksa, M
Aleksandrov, I N
Alessandria, F
Alexa, C
Alexander, G
Alexandre, G
Alexopoulos, T
Alhroob, M
Aliev, M
Alimonti, G
Alison, J
Allbrooke, B M M
Allport, P P
Allwood-Spiers, S E
Almond, J
Aloisio, A
Alon, R
Alonso, A
Alonso, F
Altheimer, A
Alvarez Gonzalez, B
Alviggi, M G
Amako, K
Amelung, C
Ammosov, V V
Amor Dos Santos, S P
Amorim, A
Amram, N
Anastopoulos, C
Ancu, L S
Andari, N
Andeen, T
Anders, C F
Anders, G
Anderson, K J
Andreazza, A
Andrei, V
Andrieux, M-L
Anduaga, X S
Anger, P
Angerami, A
Anghinolfi, F
Anisenkov, A
Anjos, N
Annovi, A
Antonaki, A
Antonelli, M
Antonov, A
Antos, J
Anulli, F
Aoki, M
Aoun, S
Aperio Bella, L
Apolle, R
Arabidze, G
Aracena, I
Arai, Y
Arce, A T H
Arfaoui, S
Arguin, J-F
Arik, E
Arik, M
Armbruster, A J
Arnaez, O
Arnal, V
Arnault, C
Artamonov, A
Artoni, G
Arutinov, D
Asai, S
Asfandiyarov, R
Ask, S
Åsman, B
Asquith, L
Assamagan, K
Astbury, A
Atkinson, M
Aubert, B
Auge, E
Augsten, K
Aurousseau, M
Avolio, G
Avramidou, R
Axen, D
Azuelos, G
Azuma, Y
Baak, M. A.
Baccaglioni, G
Bacci, C
Bach, A M
Bachacou, H
Bachas, K
Backes, M
Backhaus, M
Badescu, E
Bagnaia, P
Bahinipati, S
Bai, Y
Bailey, D C
Bain, T
Baines, J T
Baker, O K
Baker, M D
Baker, S
Banas, E
Banerjee, P
Banerjee, Sw
Banfi, D
Bangert, A
Bansal, V
Bansil, H S
Barak, L
Baranov, S P
Barbaro Galtieri, A
Barber, T
Barberio, E L
Barberis, D
Barbero, M
Bardin, D Y
Barillari, T
Barisonzi, M
Barklow, T
Barlow, N
Barnett, B M
Barnett, R M
Baroncelli, A
Barone, G
Barr, A J
Barreiro, F
Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, J
Barrillon, P
Bartoldus, R
Barton, A E
Bartsch, V
Basye, A
Bates, R L
Batkova, L
Batley, J R
Battaglia, A
Battistin, M
Bauer, F
Bawa, H S
Beale, S
Beau, T
Beauchemin, P H
Beccherle, R
Bechtle, P
Beck, H P
Becker, K
Becker, S
Beckingham, M
Becks, K H
Beddall, A J
Beddall, A
Bedikian, S
Bednyakov, V A
Bee, C P
Beemster, L J
Begel, M
Behar Harpaz, S
Behera, P K
Beimforde, M
Belanger-Champagne, C
Bell, P J
Bell, W H
Bella, G
Bellagamba, L
Bellina, F
Bellomo, M
Belloni, A
Beloborodova, O
Belotskiy, K
Beltramello, O
Benary, O
Benchekroun, D
Bendtz, K
Benekos, N
Benhammou, Y
Benhar Noccioli, E
Benitez Garcia, J A
Benjamin, D P
Benoit, M
Bensinger, J R
Benslama, K
Bentvelsen, S
Berge, D
Bergeaas Kuutmann, E
Berger, N
Berghaus, F
Berglund, E
Beringer, J
Bernat, P
Bernhard, R
Bernius, C
Berry, T
Bertella, C
Bertin, A
Bertolucci, F
Besana, M I
Besjes, G J
Besson, N
Bethke, S
Bhimji, W
Bianchi, R M
Bianco, M
Biebel, O
Bieniek, S P
Bierwagen, K
Biesiada, J
Biglietti, M
Bilokon, H
Bindi, M
Binet, S
Bingul, A
Bini, C
Biscarat, C
Bittner, B
Black, K M
Blair, R E
Blanchard, J-B
Blanchot, G
Blazek, T
Bloch, I
Blocker, C
Blocki, J
Blondel, A
Blum, W
Blumenschein, U
Bobbink, G J
Bobrovnikov, V S
Bocchetta, S S
Bocci, A
Boddy, C R
Boehler, M
Boek, J
Boek, T T
Boelaert, N
Bogaerts, J A
Bogdanchikov, A
Bogouch, A
Bohm, C
Bohm, J
Boisvert, V
Bold, T
Boldea, V
Bolnet, N M
Bomben, M
Bona, M
Boonekamp, M
Bordoni, S
Borer, C
Borisov, A
Borissov, G
Borjanovic, I
Borri, M
Borroni, S
Bortolotto, V
Bos, K
Boscherini, D
Bosman, M
Boterenbrood, H
Bouchami, J
Boudreau, J
Bouhova-Thacker, E V
Boumediene, D
Bourdarios, C
Bousson, N
Boveia, A
Boyd, J
Boyko, I R
Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I
Bracinik, J
Branchini, P
Brandenburg, G W
Brandt, A
Brandt, G
Brandt, O
Bratzler, U
Brau, B
Brau, J E
Braun, H M
Brazzale, S F
Brelier, B
Bremer, J
Brendlinger, K
Brenner, R
Bressler, S
Britton, D
Brochu, F M
Brock, I
Brock, R
Broggi, F
Bromberg, C
Bronner, J
Brooijmans, G
Brooks, T
Brooks, W K
Brown, G
Brown, H
Bruckman de Renstrom, P A
Bruncko, D
Bruneliere, R
Brunet, S
Bruni, A
Bruni, G
Bruschi, M
Buanes, T
Buat, Q
Bucci, F
Buchanan, J
Buchholz, P
Buckingham, R M
Buckley, A G
Buda, S I
Budagov, I A
Budick, B
Büscher, V
Bugge, L
Bulekov, O
Bundock, A C
Bunse, M
Buran, T
Burckhart, H
Burdin, S
Burgess, T
Burke, S
Busato, E
Bussey, P
Buszello, C P
Butler, B
Butler, J M
Buttar, C M
Butterworth, J M
Buttinger, W
Byszewski, M
Cabrera Urbán, S
Caforio, D
Cakir, O
Calafiura, P
Calderini, G
Calfayan, P
Calkins, R
Caloba, L P
Caloi, R
Calvet, D
Calvet, S
Camacho Toro, R
Camarri, P
Cameron, D
Caminada, L M
Caminal Armadans, R
Campana, S
Campanelli, M
Canale, V
Canelli, F
Canepa, A
Cantero, J
Cantrill, R
Capasso, L
Capeans Garrido, M D M
Caprini, I
Caprini, M
Capriotti, D
Capua, M
Caputo, R
Cardarelli, R
Carli, T
Carlino, G
Carminati, L
Caron, B
Caron, S
Carquin, E
Carrillo-Montoya, G D
Carter, A A
Carter, J R
Carvalho, J
Casadei, D
Casado, M P
Cascella, M
Caso, C
Castaneda Hernandez, A M
Castaneda-Miranda, E
Castillo Gimenez, V
Castro, N F
Cataldi, G
Catastini, P
Catinaccio, A
Catmore, J R
Cattai, A
Cattani, G
Caughron, S
Cavaliere, V
Cavalleri, P
Cavalli, D
Cavalli-Sforza, M
Cavasinni, V
Ceradini, F
Cerqueira, A S
Cerri, A
Cerrito, L
Cerutti, F
Cetin, S A
Chafaq, A
Chakraborty, D
Chalupkova, I
Chan, K
Chang, P
Chapleau, B
Chapman, J D
Chapman, J W
Chareyre, E
Charlton, D G
Chavda, V
Chavez Barajas, C A
Cheatham, S
Chekanov, S
Chekulaev, S V
Chelkov, G A
Chelstowska, M A
Chen, C
Chen, H
Chen, S
Chen, X
Chen, Y
Cheplakov, A
Cherkaoui El Moursli, R
Chernyatin, V
Cheu, E
Cheung, S L
Chevalier, L
Chiefari, G
Chikovani, L
Childers, J T
Chilingarov, A
Chiodini, G
Chisholm, A S
Chislett, R T
Chitan, A
Chizhov, M V
Choudalakis, G
Chouridou, S
Christidi, I A
Christov, A
Chromek-Burckhart, D
Chu, M L
Chudoba, J
Ciapetti, G
Ciftci, A K
Ciftci, R
Cinca, D
Cindro, V
Ciocca, C
Ciocio, A
Cirilli, M
Cirkovic, P
Citron, Z H
Citterio, M
Ciubancan, M
Clark, A
Clark, P J
Clarke, R N
Cleland, W
Clemens, J C
Clement, B
Clement, C
Coadou, Y
Cobal, M
Coccaro, A
Cochran, J
Coffey, L
Cogan, J G
Coggeshall, J
Cogneras, E
Colas, J
Cole, S
Colijn, A P
Collins, N J
Collins-Tooth, C
Collot, J
Colombo, T
Colon, G
Conde Muiño, P
Coniavitis, E
Conidi, M C
Consonni, S M
Consorti, V
Constantinescu, S
Conta, C
Conti, G
Conventi, F
Cooke, M
Cooper, B D
Cooper-Sarkar, A M
Copic, K
Cornelissen, T
Corradi, M
Corriveau, F
Cortes-Gonzalez, A
Cortiana, G
Costa, G
Costa, M J
Costanzo, D
Côté, D
Courneyea, L
Cowan, G
Cowden, C
Cox, B E
Cranmer, K
Crescioli, F
Cristinziani, M
Crosetti, G
Crépé-Renaudin, S
Cuciuc, C-M
Cuenca Almenar, C
Cuhadar Donszelmann, T
Curatolo, M
Curtis, C J
Cuthbert, C
Cwetanski, P
Czirr, H
Czodrowski, P
Czyczula, Z
D'Auria, S
D'Onofrio, M
D'Orazio, A
Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa, M J
Da Via, C
Dabrowski, W
Dafinca, A
Dai, T
Dallapiccola, C
Dam, M
Dameri, M
Damiani, D S
Danielsson, H O
Dao, V
Darbo, G
Darlea, G L
Dassoulas, J A
Davey, W
Davidek, T
Davidson, N
Davidson, R
Davies, E
Davies, M
Davignon, O
Davison, A R
Davygora, Y
Dawe, E
Dawson, I
Daya-Ishmukhametova, R K
De, K
de Asmundis, R
De Castro, S
De Cecco, S
de Graat, J
De Groot, N
de Jong, P
De La Taille, C
De la Torre, H
De Lorenzi, F
de Mora, L
De Nooij, L
De Pedis, D
De Salvo, A
De Sanctis, U
De Santo, A
De Vivie De Regie, J B
De Zorzi, G
Dearnaley, W J
Debbe, R
Debenedetti, C
Dechenaux, B
Dedovich, D V
Degenhardt, J
Del Papa, C
Del Peso, J
Del Prete, T
Delemontex, T
Deliyergiyev, M
Dell'Acqua, A
Dell'Asta, L
Della Pietra, M
della Volpe, D
Delmastro, M
Delsart, P A
Deluca, C
Demers, S
Demirköz, Melahat Bilge
Demirkoz, B
Deng, J
Denisov, S P
Derendarz, D
Derkaoui, J E
Derue, F
Dervan, P
Desch, K
Devetak, E
Deviveiros, P O
Dewhurst, A
DeWilde, B
Dhaliwal, S
Dhullipudi, R
Di Ciaccio, A
Di Ciaccio, L
Di Girolamo, A
Di Girolamo, B
Di Luise, S
Di Mattia, A
Di Micco, B
Di Nardo, R
Di Simone, A
Di Sipio, R
Diaz, M A
Diehl, E B
Dietrich, J
Dietzsch, T A
Diglio, S
Dindar Yagci, K
Dingfelder, J
Dinut, F
Dionisi, C
Dita, P
Dita, S
Dittus, F
Djama, F
Djobava, T
do Vale, M A B
Do Valle Wemans, A
Doan, T K O
Dobbs, M
Dobinson, R
Dobos, D
Dobson, E
Dodd, J
Doglioni, C
Doherty, T
Doi, Y
Dolejsi, J
Dolenc, I
Dolezal, Z
Dolgoshein, B A
Dohmae, T
Donadelli, M
Donini, J
Dopke, J
Doria, A
DosAnjos, A
Dotti, A
Dova, M T
Doxiadis, A D
Doyle, A T
Dressnandt, N
Dris, M
Dubbert, J
Dube, S
Duchovni, E
Duckeck, G
Duda, D
Dudarev, A
Dudziak, F
Dührssen, M
Duerdoth, I P
Duflot, L
Dufour, M-A
Duguid, L
Dunford, M
Duran Yildiz, H
Duxfield, R
Dwuznik, M
Dydak, F
Düren, M
Ebenstein, W L
Ebke, J
Eckweiler, S
Edmonds, K
Edson, W
Edwards, C A
Edwards, N C
Ehrenfeld, W
Eifert, T
Eigen, G
Einsweiler, K
Eisenhandler, E
Ekelof, T
El Kacimi, M
Ellert, M
Elles, S
Ellinghaus, F
Ellis, K
Ellis, N
Elmsheuser, J
Elsing, M
Emeliyanov, D
Engelmann, R
Engl, A
Epp, B
Erdmann, J
Ereditato, A
Eriksson, D
Ernst, J
Ernst, M
Ernwein, J
Errede, D
Errede, S
Ertel, E
Escalier, M
Esch, H
Escobar, C
Espinal Curull, X
Esposito, B
Etienne, F
Etienvre, A I
Etzion, E
Evangelakou, D
Evans, H
Fabbri, L
Fabre, C
Fakhrutdinov, R M
Falciano, S
Fang, Y
Fanti, M
Farbin, A
Farilla, A
Farley, J
Farooque, T
Farrell, S
Farrington, S M
Farthouat, P
Fassi, F
Fassnacht, P
Fassouliotis, D
Fatholahzadeh, B
Favareto, A
Fayard, L
Fazio, S
Febbraro, R
Federic, P
Fedin, O L
Fedorko, W
Fehling-Kaschek, M
Feligioni, L
Fellmann, D
Feng, C
Feng, E J
Fenyuk, A B
Ferencei, J
Fernando, W
Ferrag, S
Ferrando, J
Ferrara, V
Ferrari, A
Ferrari, P
Ferrari, R
Ferreira de Lima, D E
Ferrer, A
Ferrere, D
Ferretti, C
Ferretto Parodi, A
Fiascaris, M
Fiedler, F
Filipčič, A
Filthaut, F
Fincke-Keeler, M
Fiolhais, M C N
Fiorini, L
Firan, A
Fischer, G
Fisher, M J
Flechl, M
Fleck, I
Fleckner, J
Fleischmann, P
Fleischmann, S
Flick, T
Floderus, A
Flores Castillo, L R
Flowerdew, M J
Fonseca Martin, T
Formica, A
Forti, A
Fortin, D
Fournier, D
Fowler, A J
Fox, H
Francavilla, P
Franchini, M
Franchino, S
Francis, D
Frank, T
Franz, S
Fraternali, M
Fratina, S
French, S T
Friedrich, C
Friedrich, F
Froeschl, R
Froidevaux, D
Frost, J A
Fukunaga, C
Fullana Torregrosa, E
Fulsom, B G
Fuster, J
Gabaldon, C
Gabizon, O
Gadfort, T
Gadomski, S
Gagliardi, G
Gagnon, P
Galea, C
Galhardo, B
Gallas, E J
Gallo, V
Gallop, B J
Gallus, P
Gan, K K
Gao, Y S
Gaponenko, A
Garberson, F
Garcia-Sciveres, M
García, C
García Navarro, J E
Gardner, R W
Garelli, N
Garitaonandia, H
Garonne, V
Gatti, C
Gaudio, G
Gaur, B
Gauthier, L
Gauzzi, P
Gavrilenko, I L
Gay, C
Gaycken, G
Gazis, E N
Ge, P
Gecse, Z
Gee, C N P
Geerts, D A A
Geich-Gimbel, Ch
Gellerstedt, K
Gemme, C
Gemmell, A
Genest, M H
Gentile, S
George, M
George, S
Gerlach, P
Gershon, A
Geweniger, C
Ghazlane, H
Ghodbane, N
Giacobbe, B
Giagu, S
Giakoumopoulou, V
Giangiobbe, V
Gianotti, F
Gibbard, B
Gibson, A
Gibson, S M
Gilchriese, M
Gillberg, D
Gillman, A R
Gingrich, D M
Ginzburg, J
Giokaris, N
Giordani, M P
Giordano, R
Giorgi, F M
Giovannini, P
Giraud, P F
Giugni, D
Giunta, M
Giusti, P
Gjelsten, B K
Gladilin, L K
Glasman, C
Glatzer, J
Glazov, A
Glitza, K W
Glonti, G L
Goddard, J R
Godfrey, J
Godlewski, J
Goebel, M
Göpfert, T
Goeringer, C
Gössling, C
Goldfarb, S
Golling, T
Gomes, A
Gomez Fajardo, L S
Gonçalo, R
Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa, J
Gonella, L
González de la Hoz, S
Gonzalez Parra, G
Gonzalez Silva, M L
Gonzalez-Sevilla, S
Goodson, J J
Goossens, L
Gorbounov, P A
Gordon, H A
Gorelov, I
Gorfine, G
Gorini, B
Gorini, E
Gorišek, A
Gornicki, E
Gosdzik, B
Goshaw, A T
Gosselink, M
Gostkin, M I
Gough Eschrich, I
Gouighri, M
Goujdami, D
Goulette, M P
Goussiou, A G
Goy, C
Gozpinar, S
Grabowska-Bold, I
Grafström, P
Grahn, K-J
Grancagnolo, F
Grancagnolo, S
Grassi, V
Gratchev, V
Grau, N
Gray, H M
Gray, J A
Graziani, E
Grebenyuk, O G
Greenshaw, T
Greenwood, Z D
Gregersen, K
Gregor, I M
Grenier, P
Griffiths, J
Grigalashvili, N
Grillo, A A
Grinstein, S
Gris, Ph
Grishkevich, Y V
Grivaz, J-F
Gross, E
Grosse-Knetter, J
Groth-Jensen, J
Grybel, K
Guest, D
Guicheney, C
Guindon, S
Gul, U
Guler, H
Gunther, J
Guo, B
Guo, J
Gutierrez, P
Guttman, N
Gutzwiller, O
Guyot, C
Gwenlan, C
Gwilliam, C B
Haas, A
Haas, S
Haber, C
Hadavand, H K
Hadley, D R
Haefner, P
Hahn, F
Haider, S
Hajduk, Z
Hakobyan, H
Hall, D
Haller, J
Hamacher, K
Hamal, P
Hamano, K
Hamer, M
Hamilton, A
Hamilton, S
Han, L
Hanagaki, K
Hanawa, K
Hance, M
Handel, C
Hanke, P
Hansen, J R
Hansen, J B
Hansen, J D
Hansen, P H
Hansson, P
Hara, K
Hare, G A
Harenberg, T
Harkusha, S
Harper, D
Harrington, R D
Harris, O M
Hartert, J
Hartjes, F
Haruyama, T
Harvey, A
Hasegawa, S
Hasegawa, Y
Hassani, S
Haug, S
Hauschild, M
Hauser, R
Havranek, M
Hawkes, C M
Hawkings, R J
Hawkins, A D
Hayakawa, T
Hayashi, T
Hayden, D
Hays, C P
Hayward, H S
Haywood, S J
Head, S J
Hedberg, V
Heelan, L
Heim, S
Heinemann, B
Heisterkamp, S
Helary, L
Heller, C
Heller, M
Hellman, S
Hellmich, D
Helsens, C
Henderson, R C W
Henke, M
Henrichs, A
Henriques Correia, A M
Henrot-Versille, S
Hensel, C
Henß, T
Hernandez, C M
Hernández Jiménez, Y
Herrberg, R
Herten, G
Hertenberger, R
Hervas, L
Hesketh, G G
Hessey, N P
Higón-Rodriguez, E
Hill, J C
Hiller, K H
Hillert, S
Hillier, S J
Hinchliffe, I
Hines, E
Hirose, M
Hirsch, F
Hirschbuehl, D
Hobbs, J
Hod, N
Hodgkinson, M C
Hodgson, P
Hoecker, A
Hoeferkamp, M R
Hoffman, J
Hoffmann, D
Hohlfeld, M
Holder, M
Holmgren, S O
Holy, T
Holzbauer, J L
Hong, T M
Hooft van Huysduynen, L
Horner, S
Hostachy, J-Y
Hou, S
Hoummada, A
Howard, J
Howarth, J
Hristova, I
Hrivnac, J
Hryn'ova, T
Hsu, P J
Hsu, S-C
Hu, D
Hubacek, Z
Hubaut, F
Huegging, F
Huettmann, A
Huffman, T B
Hughes, E W
Hughes, G
Huhtinen, M
Hurwitz, M
Husemann, U
Huseynov, N
Huston, J
Huth, J
Iacobucci, G
Iakovidis, G
Ibbotson, M
Ibragimov, I
Iconomidou-Fayard, L
Idarraga, J
Iengo, P
Igonkina, O
Ikegami, Y
Ikeno, M
Iliadis, D
Ilic, N
Ince, T
Inigo-Golfin, J
Ioannou, P
Iodice, M
Iordanidou, K
Ippolito, V
Irles Quiles, A
Isaksson, C
Ishino, M
Ishitsuka, M
Ishmukhametov, R
Issever, C
Istin, S
Ivashin, A V
Iwanski, W
Iwasaki, H
Izen, J M
Izzo, V
Jackson, B
Jackson, J N
Jackson, P
Jaekel, M R
Jain, V
Jakobs, K
Jakobsen, S
Jakoubek, T
Jakubek, J
Jamin, D O
Jana, D K
Jansen, E
Jansen, H
Jantsch, A
Janus, M
Jared, R C
Jarlskog, G
Jeanty, L
Jen-La Plante, I
Jennens, D
Jenni, P
Loevschall-Jensen, A E
Jež, P
Jézéquel, S
Jha, M K
Ji, H
Ji, W
Jia, J
Jiang, Y
Jimenez Belenguer, M
Jin, S
Jinnouchi, O
Joergensen, M D
Joffe, D
Johansen, M
Johansson, K E
Johansson, P
Johnert, S
Johns, K A
Jon-And, K
Jones, G
Jones, R W L
Jones, T J
Joram, C
Jorge, P M
Joshi, K D
Jovicevic, J
Jovin, T
Ju, X
Jung, C A
Jungst, R M
Juranek, V
Jussel, P
Juste Rozas, A
Kabana, S
Kaci, M
Kaczmarska, A
Kadlecik, P
Kado, M
Kagan, H
Kagan, M
Kajomovitz, E
Kalinin, S
Kalinovskaya, L V
Kama, S
Kanaya, N
Kaneda, M
Kaneti, S
Kanno, T
Kantserov, V A
Kanzaki, J
Kaplan, B
Kapliy, A
Kaplon, J
Kar, D
Karagounis, M
Karakostas, K
Karnevskiy, M
Kartvelishvili, V
Karyukhin, A N
Kashif, L
Kasieczka, G
Kass, R D
Kastanas, A
Kataoka, M
Kataoka, Y
Katsoufis, E
Katzy, J
Kaushik, V
Kawagoe, K
Kawamoto, T
Kawamura, G
Kayl, M S
Kazama, S
Kazanin, V F
Kazarinov, M Y
Keeler, R
Keener, P T
Kehoe, R
Keil, M
Kekelidze, G D
Keller, J S
Kenyon, M
Kepka, O
Kerschen, N
Kerševan, B P
Kersten, S
Kessoku, K
Keung, J
Khalil-zada, F
Khandanyan, H
Khanov, A
Kharchenko, D
Khodinov, A
Khomich, A
Khoo, T J
Khoriauli, G
Khoroshilov, A
Khovanskiy, V
Khramov, E
Khubua, J
Kim, H
Kim, S H
Kimura, N
Kind, O
King, B T
King, M
King, R S B
Kirk, J
Kiryunin, A E
Kishimoto, T
Kisielewska, D
Kitamura, T
Kittelmann, T
Kiuchi, K
Kladiva, E
Klein, M
Klein, U
Kleinknecht, K
Klemetti, M
Klier, A
Klimek, P
Klimentov, A
Klingenberg, R
Klinger, J A
Klinkby, E B
Klioutchnikova, T
Klok, P F
Klous, S
Kluge, E-E
Kluge, T
Kluit, P
Kluth, S
Knecht, N S
Kneringer, E
Knoops, E B F G
Knue, A
Ko, B R
Kobayashi, T
Kobel, M
Kocian, M
Kodys, P
Köneke, K
König, A C
Koenig, S
Köpke, L
Koetsveld, F
Koevesarki, P
Koffas, T
Koffeman, E
Kogan, L A
Kohlmann, S
Kohn, F
Kohout, Z
Kohriki, T
Koi, T
Kolachev, G M
Kolanoski, H
Kolesnikov, V
Koletsou, I
Koll, J
Komar, A A
Komori, Y
Kondo, T
Kono, T
Kononov, A I
Konoplich, R
Konstantinidis, N
Koperny, S
Korcyl, K
Kordas, K
Korn, A
Korol, A
Korolkov, I
Korolkova, E V
Korotkov, V A
Kortner, O
Kortner, S
Kostyukhin, V V
Kotov, S
Kotov, V M
Kotwal, A
Kourkoumelis, C
Kouskoura, V
Koutsman, A
Kowalewski, R
Kowalski, T Z
Kozanecki, W
Kozhin, A S
Kral, V
Kramarenko, V A
Kramberger, G
Krasny, M W
Krasznahorkay, A
Kraus, J K
Kreiss, S
Krejci, F
Kretzschmar, J
Krieger, N
Krieger, P
Kroeninger, K
Kroha, H
Kroll, J
Kroseberg, J
Krstic, J
Kruchonak, U
Krüger, H
Kruker, T
Krumnack, N
Krumshteyn, Z V
Kubota, T
Kuday, S
Kuehn, S
Kugel, A
Kuhl, T
Kuhn, D
Kukhtin, V
Kulchitsky, Y
Kuleshov, S
Kummer, C
Kuna, M
Kunkle, J
Kupco, A
Kurashige, H
Kurata, M
Kurochkin, Y A
Kus, V
Kuwertz, E S
Kuze, M
Kvita, J
Kwee, R
La Rosa, A
La Rotonda, L
Labarga, L
Labbe, J
Lablak, S
Lacasta, C
Lacava, F
Lacker, H
Lacour, D
Lacuesta, V R
Ladygin, E
Lafaye, R
Laforge, B
Lagouri, T
Lai, S
Laisne, E
Lamanna, M
Lambourne, L
Lampen, C L
Lampl, W
Lancon, E
Landgraf, U
Landon, M P J
Lane, J L
Lang, V S
Lange, C
Lankford, A J
Lanni, F
Lantzsch, K
Lanza, A
Laplace, S
Lapoire, C
Laporte, J F
Lari, T
Larner, A
Lassnig, M
Laurelli, P
Lavorini, V
Lavrijsen, W
Laycock, P
Le Dortz, O
Le Guirriec, E
Le Menedeu, E
LeCompte, T
Ledroit-Guillon, F
Lee, H
Lee, J S H
Lee, S C
Lee, L
Lefebvre, M
Legendre, M
Legger, F
Leggett, C
Lehmacher, M
Lehmann Miotto, G
Leite, M A L
Leitner, R
Lellouch, D
Lemmer, B
Lendermann, V
Leney, K J C
Lenz, T
Lenzen, G
Lenzi, B
Leonhardt, K
Leontsinis, S
Lepold, F
Leroy, C
Lessard, J-R
Lester, C G
Lester, C M
Levêque, J
Levin, D
Levinson, L J
Lewis, A
Lewis, G H
Leyko, A M
Leyton, M
Li, B
Li, H
Li, S
Li, X
Liang, Z
Liao, H
Liberti, B
Lichard, P
Lichtnecker, M
Lie, K
Liebig, W
Limbach, C
Limosani, A
Limper, M
Lin, S C
Linde, F
Linnemann, J T
Lipeles, E
Lipniacka, A
Liss, T M
Lissauer, D
Lister, A
Litke, A M
Liu, C
Liu, D
Liu, H
Liu, J B
Liu, L
Liu, M
Liu, Y
Livan, M
Livermore, S S A
Lleres, A
Llorente Merino, J
Lloyd, S L
Lobodzinska, E
Loch, P
Lockman, W S
Loddenkoetter, T
Loebinger, F K
Loginov, A
Loh, C W
Lohse, T
Lohwasser, K
Lokajicek, M
Lombardo, V P
Long, R E
Lopes, L
Lopez Mateos, D
Lorenz, J
Lorenzo Martinez, N
Losada, M
Loscutoff, P
Lo Sterzo, F
Losty, M J
Lou, X
Lounis, A
Loureiro, K F
Love, J
Love, P A
Lowe, A J
Lu, F
Lubatti, H J
Luci, C
Lucotte, A
Ludwig, A
Ludwig, D
Ludwig, I
Ludwig, J
Luehring, F
Luijckx, G
Lukas, W
Luminari, L
Lund, E
Lund-Jensen, B
Lundberg, B
Lundberg, J
Lundberg, O
Lundquist, J
Lungwitz, M
Lynn, D
Lytken, E
Ma, H
Ma, L L
Maccarrone, G
Macchiolo, A
Maček, B
Machado Miguens, J
Mackeprang, R
Madaras, R J
Maddocks, H J
Mader, W F
Maenner, R
Maeno, T
Mättig, P
Mättig, S
Magnoni, L
Magradze, E
Mahboubi, K
Mahlstedt, J
Mahmoud, S
Mahout, G
Maiani, C
Maidantchik, C
Maio, A
Majewski, S
Makida, Y
Makovec, N
Mal, P
Malaescu, B
Malecki, Pa
Malecki, P
Maleev, V P
Malek, F
Mallik, U
Malon, D
Malone, C
Maltezos, S
Malyshev, V
Malyukov, S
Mameghani, R
Mamuzic, J
Manabe, A
Mandelli, L
Mandić, I
Mandrysch, R
Maneira, J
Manfredini, A
Mangeard, P S
Manhaes de Andrade Filho, L
Manjarres Ramos, J A
Mann, A
Manning, P M
Manousakis-Katsikakis, A
Mansoulie, B
Mapelli, A
Mapelli, L
March, L
Marchand, J F
Marchese, F
Marchiori, G
Marcisovsky, M
Marino, C P
Marroquim, F
Marshall, Z
Martens, F K
Marti, L F
Marti-Garcia, S
Martin, B
Martin, B
Martin, J P
Martin, T A
Martin, V J
Martin dit Latour, B
Martin-Haugh, S
Martinez, M
Martinez Outschoorn, V
Martyniuk, A C
Marx, M
Marzano, F
Marzin, A
Masetti, L
Mashimo, T
Mashinistov, R
Masik, J
Maslennikov, A L
Massa, I
Massaro, G
Massol, N
Mastrandrea, P
Mastroberardino, A
Masubuchi, T
Matricon, P
Matsunaga, H
Matsushita, T
Mattravers, C
Maurer, J
Maxfield, S J
Mayne, A
Mazini, R
Mazur, M
Mazzaferro, L
Mazzanti, M
Mc Donald, J
Mc Kee, S P
McCarn, A
McCarthy, R L
McCarthy, T G
McCubbin, N A
McFarlane, K W
Mcfayden, J A
Mchedlidze, G
Mclaughlan, T
McMahon, S J
McPherson, R A
Meade, A
Mechnich, J
Mechtel, M
Medinnis, M
Meera-Lebbai, R
Meguro, T
Mehdiyev, R
Mehlhase, S
Mehta, A
Meier, K
Meirose, B
Melachrinos, C
Mellado Garcia, B R
Meloni, F
Mendoza Navas, L
Meng, Z
Mengarelli, A
Menke, S
Meoni, E
Mercurio, K M
Mermod, P
Merola, L
Meroni, C
Merritt, F S
Merritt, H
Messina, A
Metcalfe, J
Mete, A S
Meyer, C
Meyer, C
Meyer, J-P
Meyer, J
Meyer, J
Meyer, T C
Miao, J
Michal, S
Micu, L
Middleton, R P
Migas, S
Mijović, L
Mikenberg, G
Mikestikova, M
Mikuž, M
Miller, D W
Miller, R J
Mills, W J
Mills, C
Milov, A
Milstead, D A
Milstein, D
Minaenko, A A
Miñano Moya, M
Minashvili, I A
Mincer, A I
Mindur, B
Mineev, M
Ming, Y
Mir, L M
Mirabelli, G
Mitrevski, J
Mitsou, V A
Mitsui, S
Miyagawa, P S
Mjörnmark, J U
Moa, T
Moeller, V
Mönig, K
Möser, N
Mohapatra, S
Mohr, W
Moles-Valls, R
Molfetas, A
Monk, J
Monnier, E
Montejo Berlingen, J
Monticelli, F
Monzani, S
Moore, R W
Moorhead, G
Mora Herrera, C
Moraes, A
Morange, N
Morel, J
Morello, G
Moreno, D
Moreno Llácer, M
Morettini, P
Morgenstern, M
Morii, M
Morley, A K
Mornacchi, G
Morris, J D
Morvaj, L
Moser, H G
Mosidze, M
Moss, J
Mount, R
Mountricha, E
Mouraviev, S V
Moyse, E J W
Mueller, F
Mueller, J
Mueller, K
Müller, T A
Mueller, T
Muenstermann, D
Munwes, Y
Murray, W J
Mussche, I
Musto, E
Myagkov, A G
Myska, M
Nadal, J
Nagai, K
Nagai, R
Nagano, K
Nagarkar, A
Nagasaka, Y
Nagel, M
Nairz, A M
Nakahama, Y
Nakamura, K
Nakamura, T
Nakano, I
Nanava, G
Napier, A
Narayan, R
Nash, M
Nattermann, T
Naumann, T
Navarro, G
Neal, H A
Yu Nechaeva, P
Neep, T J
Negri, A
Negri, G
Negrini, M
Nektarijevic, S
Nelson, A
Nelson, T K
Nemecek, S
Nemethy, P
Nepomuceno, A A
Nessi, M
Neubauer, M S
Neumann, M
Neusiedl, A
Neves, R M
Nevski, P
Newcomer, F M
Newman, P R
Nguyen Thi Hong, V
Nickerson, R B
Nicolaidou, R
Nicquevert, B
Niedercorn, F
Nielsen, J
Nikiforou, N
Nikiforov, A
Nikolaenko, V
Nikolic-Audit, I
Nikolics, K
Nikolopoulos, K
Nilsen, H
Nilsson, P
Ninomiya, Y
Nisati, A
Nisius, R
Nobe, T
Nodulman, L
Nomachi, M
Nomidis, I
Norberg, S
Nordberg, M
Norton, P R
Novakova, J
Nozaki, M
Nozka, L
Nugent, I M
Nuncio-Quiroz, A-E
Nunes Hanninger, G
Nunnemann, T
Nurse, E
O'Brien, B J
O'Neil, D C
O'Shea, V
Oakes, L B
Oakham, F G
Oberlack, H
Ocariz, J
Ochi, A
Oda, S
Odaka, S
Odier, J
Ogren, H
Oh, A
Oh, S H
Ohm, C C
Ohshima, T
Okawa, H
Okumura, Y
Okuyama, T
Olariu, A
Olchevski, A G
Olivares Pino, S A
Oliveira, M
Oliveira Damazio, D
Oliver Garcia, E
Olivito, D
Olszewski, A
Olszowska, J
Onofre, A
Onyisi, P U E
Oram, C J
Oreglia, M J
Oren, Y
Orestano, D
Orlando, N
Orlov, I
Oropeza Barrera, C
Orr, R S
Osculati, B
Ospanov, R
Osuna, C
Otero y Garzon, G
Ottersbach, J P
Ouchrif, M
Ouellette, E A
Ould-Saada, F
Ouraou, A
Ouyang, Q
Ovcharova, A
Owen, M
Owen, S
Ozcan, V E
Ozturk, N
Pacheco Pages, A
Padilla Aranda, C
Pagan Griso, S
Paganis, E
Pahl, C
Paige, F
Pais, P
Pajchel, K
Palacino, G
Paleari, C P
Palestini, S
Pallin, D
Palma, A
Palmer, J D
Pan, Y B
Panagiotopoulou, E
Pani, P
Panikashvili, N
Panitkin, S
Pantea, D
Papadelis, A
Papadopoulou, Th D
Paramonov, A
Paredes Hernandez, D
Park, W
Parker, M A
Parodi, F
Parsons, J A
Parzefall, U
Pashapour, S
Pasqualucci, E
Passaggio, S
Passeri, A
Pastore, F
Pastore, Fr
Pásztor, G
Pataraia, S
Patel, N
Pater, J R
Patricelli, S
Pauly, T
Pecsy, M
Pedraza Lopez, S
Pedraza Morales, M I
Peleganchuk, S V
Pelikan, D
Peng, H
Penning, B
Penson, A
Penwell, J
Perantoni, M
Perez, K
Perez Cavalcanti, T
Perez Codina, E
Pérez García-Estañ, M T
Perez Reale, V
Perini, L
Pernegger, H
Perrino, R
Perrodo, P
Peshekhonov, V D
Peters, K
Petersen, B A
Petersen, J
Petersen, T C
Petit, E
Petridis, A
Petridou, C
Petrolo, E
Petrucci, F
Petschull, D
Petteni, M
Pezoa, R
Phan, A
Phillips, P W
Piacquadio, G
Picazio, A
Piccaro, E
Piccinini, M
Piec, S M
Piegaia, R
Pignotti, D T
Pilcher, J E
Pilkington, A D
Pina, J
Pinamonti, M
Pinder, A
Pinfold, J L
Pinto, B
Pizio, C
Plamondon, M
Pleier, M-A
Plotnikova, E
Poblaguev, A
Poddar, S
Podlyski, F
Poggioli, L
Pohl, D
Pohl, M
Polesello, G
Policicchio, A
Polini, A
Poll, J
Polychronakos, V
Pomeroy, D
Pommès, K
Pontecorvo, L
Pope, B G
Popeneciu, G A
Popovic, D S
Poppleton, A
Portell Bueso, X
Pospelov, G E
Pospisil, S
Potrap, I N
Potter, C J
Potter, C T
Poulard, G
Poveda, J
Pozdnyakov, V
Prabhu, R
Pralavorio, P
Pranko, A
Prasad, S
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The large difference between the Planck scale and the electroweak scale, known as the hierarchy problem, is addressed in certain models through the postulate of extra spatial dimensions. A search for evidence of extra spatial dimensions in the diphoton channel has been performed using the full set of proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV recorded in 2011 with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. This dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 fb(-1). The diphoton invariant mass spectrum is observed to be in good agreement with the Standard Model expectation. In the context of the model proposed by Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos and Dvali, 95% confidence level lower limits of between 2.52 and 3.92 TeV are set on the ultraviolet cutoff scale MS depending on the number of extra dimensions and the theoretical formalism used. In the context of the Randall-Sundrum model, a lower limit of 2.06 (1.00) TeV at 95% confidence level is set on the mass of the lightest graviton for couplings of k/(M) over bar (Pl) = 0.1(0.01). Combining with the ATLAS dilepton searches based on the 2011 data, the 95% confidence level lower limit on the Randall-Sundrum graviton mass is further tightened to 2.23 (1.03) TeV for k/(M) over bar (Pl) = 0.1(0.01).
Subject Keywords
Contact interactions
Fermion-pair production
New Journal of Physics
Department of Physics, Article
Search for large extra dimensions in dimuon and dielectron events in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
Chatrchyan, S.; et. al. (Elsevier BV, 2012-05-01)
Results are presented from a search for large, extra spatial dimensions in events with either two isolated muons or two isolated electrons. The data are from proton-proton interactions at root s = 7 TeV collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The size of the data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of approximately 2 fb(-1). The observed dimuon and dielectron mass spectra are found to be consistent with standard-model expectations. Depending on the number of extra dimensions, the 95% confiden...
Search for heavy neutrinos and W bosons with right-handed couplings in proton-proton collisions at root s=8TeV
Khachatryan, V.; et. al. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2014-11-01)
A search for heavy, right-handed neutrinos, N-l (l = e, mu), and right-handed W-R bosons, which arise in the left-right symmetric extensions of the standard model, has been performed by the CMS experiment. The search was based on a sample of two lepton plus two jet events collected in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb(-1). For models with strict left-right symmetry, and assuming only one N-l flavor contributes significantly to t...
Search for heavy resonances decaying into a vector boson and a Higgs boson in final states with charged leptons, neutrinos and b quarks at root s=13 TeV
Sirunyan, A. M.; et. al. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-11-01)
A search for heavy resonances, decaying into the standard model vector bosons and the standard model Higgs boson, is presented. The final states considered contain a b quark-antiquark pair from the decay of the Higgs boson, along with electrons and muons and missing transverse momentum, due to undetected neutrinos, from the decay of the vector bosons. The mass spectra are used to search for a localized excess consistent with a resonant particle. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35....
Search for Leptoquarks Coupled to Third-Generation Quarks in Proton-Proton Collisions at root s=13 TeV
Sirunyan, A. M.; et. al. (American Physical Society (APS), 2018-12-01)
Three of the most significant measured deviations from standard model predictions, the enhanced decay rate for B -> D-(*())tau nu, hints of lepton universality violation in B -> K-(*())ll decays, and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, can be explained by the existence of leptoquarks (LQs) with large couplings to third-generation quarks and masses at the TeV scale. The existence of these states can be probed at the LHC in high energy proton-proton collisions. A novel search is presented for pair prod...
Search for a new scalar resonance decaying to a pair of Z bosons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
Sirunyan, A. M.; et. al. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-06-01)
A search for a new scalar resonance decaying to a pair of Z bosons is performed in the mass range from 130 GeV to 3TeV, and for various width scenarios. The analysis is based on proton-proton collisions recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1) at a center-of-mass energy of 13TeV. The Z boson pair decays are reconstructed using the 4l, 2l2q, and 2l2 nu final states, where l = e or mu. Both gluon fusion and electroweak production of the scalar...
Citation Formats
G. Aad et al., “Search for extra dimensions in diphoton events from proton–proton collisions at $\sqrt {s} = 7\,$ TeV in the ATLAS detector at the LHC,”
New Journal of Physics
, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: