Graduate School of Applied Mathematics, Conference / Seminar

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Entity Type
Publication (170)

Has File(s)
No (161)
Yes (9)

Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm (29)
Kestel, Sevtap Ayşe (27)
Yayla, Oğuz (17)
Cenk, Murat (16)
Karasözen, Bülent (16)

Elliptic curve cryptography (4)
Blockchain (3)
Clustering (3)
Continuous optimization (3)
Data mining (3)

Date Issued
1998 - 1999 (1)
2000 - 2009 (28)
2010 - 2019 (93)
2020 - 2025 (48)

Item Type
Conference Paper (153)
Conference (1)
Presentation (1)

Recent Submissions

Distributed Verifiable Random Function with Compact Proof
Ağırtaş, Ahmet Ramazan; Özer, Arda Buğra; Saygı, Zülfükar; Yayla, Oğuz (2025-01-01)
Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs) are cryptographic primitives that generate unpredictable randomness along with proofs that are verifiable, a critical requirement for blockchain applications in decentralized finance, onl...
Analysis of the threshold dependence of degree related indices in weighted random graphs and complex networks
Işlak, Ümit; Yıldırım Külekci, Bükre (2024-06-26)
Approximation of a Laplace-Steklov eigenvalue problem by finite and boundary element methods
Türk, Önder (2024-01-11)
Design and Implementation of a Fast, Platform-Adaptive, AIS-20/31 Compliant PLL-Based True Random Number Generator on a Zynq 7020 SoC FPGA
Yayla, Oğuz; Yılmaz, Yunus Emre (2024-01-01)
Phase-locked loops (PLLs) integrated within field-program-mable gate arrays (FPGAs) or System-on-Chip FPGAs (SoCs) represent a promising approach for generating random numbers. Their widespread deployment, isolated functio...
Methods for Masking CRYSTALS-Kyber Against Side-Channel Attacks
ÖZEREN, SILA; Yayla, Oğuz (2023-12-11)
Stop-loss reinsurance pricing and exposure curves under jump influence
Mert, Özenç Murat; Kestel, Sevtap Ayşe (2023-12-07)
Mert, Özenç Murat; Kestel, Sevtap Ayşe (2023-07-07)
Life Insurance Valuation under Pandemic Risks: Covid-19
Yavrum, Cem; Kestel, Sevtap Ayşe (2023-07-06)
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world, affecting almost every industry, including the insurance sector. Since health and life products considering epidemic risk will gain prominence in the future, insurance compan...
Time Varying Approach to Stochastic Reserve Prediction
Akarsu, Gülçin; Kestel, Sevtap Ayşe (2023-07-04)
Akarçay Pervin, Özlem; Yapici Pehlivan, Nimet; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm (2023-01-01)
Heart disease, known as cardiovascular disease has been one of the main causes of death worldwide in recent years. It is affected by various risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, ob...
Improving Performance in Space-Hard Algorithms
Güner, Hatice Kübra; Mangır, Ceyda; Yayla, Oğuz (2023-01-01)
Protecting secret keys from malicious observers is a major problem for cryptographic algorithms in untrusted environments. White-box cryptography suggests hiding the key in the cipher code with an appropriate method such t...
Verifiable Timed Commitments f or Fair Sealed-bid Auctions
Ozden, Duygu; Yayla, Oğuz (2023-01-01)
Timed commitment is a type of commitment scheme that allows the recipient to open the committed value in the future without needing a committer. It has found widespread use where 'time dependency' is essential. Fair contra...
Solving Optimal Control Problems Containing Uncertainty
Yücel, Hamdullah; Çiloğlu, Pelin (2022-08-29)
A General Version of Carlet’s Construction of APN Functions
Yayla, Oğuz; Acunalp Erleblebii, İlksen (2022-08-15)
Modeling the Dependency in the Turkish Stock Market via the Dynamic Vine-Garch Model
Evkaya, Ozan; Poyraz, Gülden; Yıldırım Külekci, Bükre; Gür, İsmail (2022-07-15)
The dependence on financial instruments has always been an interesting topic considering their economic and political effects. To measure the change in such instruments over time and interaction between them, the stock pr...
Optimal Dynamic Ruin Probabilities for Heavy-Tailed Losses Under Reinsurance Strategies
Yıldırım Külekci, Bükre; Korn, Ralf; Kestel, Sevtap Ayşe (2022-07-12)
In recent years, extreme events are appearing to increase both in frequency and severity in many different areas. Insurance mechanism provides safe protection for extreme losses in the frame of risk management solutions. ...
Numerical Modeling of Hypersonic Air and Carbon Dioxide Flows in Thermochemical Non-Equilibrium with SU2-NEMO Solver
Çelik, Mutlu; Uğur, Ömür; Eyi, Sinan (2022-06-23)
Modeling of hypersonic aerothermodynamics in non-equilibrium flow is a challenging problem of aircraft design. Especially, prediction of atmospheric reentry and other planet’s entry heat loads are significant for aerospace...
Solving PDE-constrained optimization problems containing random coefficients
Yücel, Hamdullah (2022-05-18)
Modelling dependence among Turkish financial institutions using dynamic Vine copula
Gür, İsmail; Evkaya, Ozan; Yıldırım Külekci, Bükre; Poyraz, Gülden (2022-05-15)
The utilization of multivariate copulas to model the dependence is mainly limited to elliptical and Archimedean copulas. By nature, both classes are quite restrictive concerning the symmetry and tail dependencies. Moreov...
A Case Study on Identifying Bifurcation and Chaos with CROCKER Plots
Güzel, İsmail; Munch, Elizabeth; Khasawneh, Firas (2022-04-28)
The CROCKER plot is a coarsened but easy to visualize representation of the data in a one-parameter varying family of persistence barcodes. In this paper, we use the CROCKER plot to view changes in the persistence under a ...
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