Graduate School of Marine Sciences, Conference / Seminar

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Publication (268)

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Salihoğlu, Barış (51)
Özkan, Korhan (49)
Gücü, Ali Cemal (40)
Kıdeyş, Ahmet Erkan (30)
Tuğrul, Süleyman (29)

Black Sea (8)
Karadeniz (4)
Oceanography (4)
İskenderun Körfezi (3)
Mersin Körfezi (3)

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1992 - 1999 (19)
2000 - 2009 (43)
2010 - 2019 (140)
2020 - 2024 (66)

Item Type
Conference Paper (189)
Poster (4)
Conference (3)
Presentation (2)
Workshop (1)

Recent Submissions

Genetic and Morphological Diversity of Botryllus schlosseri on the Turkish Coast
Tohumcu, Begüm Ece; Öztürk, Esra; Karahan, Arzu (2024-07-31)
Botryllus schlosseri is a vital model organism in the botryllid ascidian species. It is a crucial reference point for phylogenetic studies due to its ancestral position within the chordate lineage. Despite its acknowledged...
Phytoplankton Patchiness Around the Gksu River Estuary (North-Eastern Mediterranean)
Tohumcu, Begüm Ece; Uysal, Zahit (2024-07-29)
Göksu river estuary was studied seasonally to reveal impact of contrasting water masseswith varying trophicity on the phytoplankton distribution. Samples were collected fromtotal 51 stations representing nutrient-rich Göks...
The Latest Estimation of the State of the Black Sea Turbot Stock
Akkuş, Gizem (2023-10-25)
Benthic Iron Redox Mobilization Via Iron Reductive Respiration in Low Oxygen Seas: The Case of The Sea of Marmara
Alımlı, Nimet; Yücel, Mustafa (2023-07-13)
Marine iron dynamics play important roles in primary production and in the cycling of other important chemical species such as C, O, N, P, Mn, and S. The benthic component of the marine iron cycle, in particular, exhibits ...
Towards multi-element characterization of marine metal nanoparticles: First results from the suboxic zone of the Black Sea
Yücel, Mustafa; Alımlı, Nimet; Borovinskaya, Olga; Demir, Naim Yağız; Cura, Hilal; Tanner, Martin; Djurdjevic, Smilja (2023-07-13)
Transition metals serve as electron acceptors in microbial respiration and as electron donors in chemosynthesis to drive ecosystems. Furthermore, they act as catalytic centers for metabolic processes in all areas of life. ...
Western Black Sea suboxic layer biogeochemical structure during the December 2022 R/V Bilim Expedition
Yücel, Mustafa; Alımlı, Nimet; Cura, Hilal; Demir, Naim Yağız; Myroshnychenko, Volodymyr; Fach Salihoğlu, Bettina Andrea; Arkın, Şadi Sinan; Tuğrul, Süleyman; Salihoğlu, Barış (2023-07-12)
The Black Sea is a unique semi-enclosed basin with ten sizable rivers flowing into a highly connected coastal-deep sea system, adding anthropogenically generated nutrients and pollutants, fueling the biggest anoxic-sulfidi...
Phosphorus build-up, nitrogen loss and sulfide accumulation in response to recent deep-water deoxygenation in the Sea of Marmara
Yücel, Mustafa; Örek, Hasan; Alımlı, Nimet; Mantıkçı, Mustafa; Özhan, Koray; Fach Salihoğlu, Bettina Andrea; Tezcan, Devrim; Örek, Yeşim; Kalkan, Evrim; Arkın, Şadi Sinan; Salihoğlu, Barış (2023-07-11)
The global trend of growing marine dead zones continues despite increased awareness and the development of relevant legislation, drastically changing the phosphorus cycle in the marine environment. Recent years have seen t...
Organic carbon distributions and carbon burial in a modern Proterozoic ocean analogue: the Sea of Marmara
Yücel, Mustafa; Alımlı, Nimet; Gülmez, Zeray Ayral; Cura, Hilal; Demir, Naim Yağız (2023-07-10)
It is now widely accepted that Proterozoic oceans were anoxic or hypoxic at depth, with sulfide accumulations possible in nearshore oceans. While the broad strokes of our understanding of how carbon burial occurred and how...
Salihoğlu, Barış; Yücel, Mustafa; Tezcan, Devrim; Fach Salihoğlu, Bettina Andrea; Örek, Hasan; ARKIN, ŞADİ SİNAN; Özhan, Koray; Özkan, Korhan; Mantıkcı, Asım Mustafa (2022-12-12)
Son 20 yıl içinde Marmara Denizi’nin en derin bölgelerindeki oksijen değerleri ciddi azalmalar göstererek hipoksi sınırı olarak görülen 80 mikromoların altına inmiştir. Marmara Denizi üzerindeki baskı unsurları çok çeşitli...
Başdurak, Nüvit Berkay; Fach Salihoğlu, Bettina Andrea; Salihoğlu, Barış; Örek, Hasan; Özhan, Koray; MANTIKCI, MUSTAFA; MANTIKCI, MUSTAFA (2022-12-09)
Uysal, Zahit; TUĞRUL, SÜLEYMAN; Örek, Hasan; AKÇAY, İSMAİL (2022-12-06)
Türkiye'de İlk Üç Boyutlu Yapay Resif Uygulaması
Kalkan Tezcan, Evrim; Akgül, Çağla; Tezcan, Devrim (2022-11-02)
Geleneksel yöntemlerde ya hazır bir materyal (doğal taş, uçak, gemi, tekerlek, vb) ya da kalıplara dökülen beton malzeme ile yapay resifler oluşturulmaktadır. Ancak süreç içinde resif oluşturması için bırakılan...
2022 Yılı Mersin Körfezi Yapay Resif Çalışmaları
Tezcan, Devrim; Kalkan Tezcan, Evrim (2022-11-02)
Mersin K􏱏rfe􏱌i􏱔nde 2022 􏱑􏲋l􏲋nda iki b􏱏lgede 􏱑apa􏱑 resif 􏱆􏱑g􏱆lamas􏲋 ger􏱒ekle􏲌tirilmi􏲌tir. 􏰿lk olarak, 796 adet geleneksel i􏱒i bo􏲌 k􏱎p 􏲌ekilli resif Mersin ili Erdemli il􏱒esinde 􏱑er alan Alata sahiline...
Uydu Okyanus Renginin Marmara Denizi'ndeki Fitoplankton Üretim Değişikliklerinin Tespitinde Kullanımı: Uydu ve Yerinde Klorofil-a Verileri
Sampling, aquaculture techniques and examination methodologies for botryllid ascidians
Tohumcu, Begüm Ece (2022-10-31)
Various sampling and culture studies are carried out for different benthic organisms. Developing and applying methodologies suitable for the targeted group provides a basis for enabling extensive and more detailed studie...
Discovering more efficient production pathways of plant secondary metabolites through retrosynthesis
Yonet , Nilay; Yilmaz, Alper (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Enformatik Enstitüsü; 2022-10)
Plant secondary metabolites constitute a useful array of natural ingredients, especially for therapeutics, the food additives industry, and many other industrial fields. Thereby, metabolic engineers are looking for alterna...
Evaluation of genotype imputation for ancient genomes from regions underrepresented in the reference panel
Çubukcu, Hande; Yet, İdil; Kılınç, Gülşah Merve (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Enformatik Enstitüsü; 2022-10)
Genotype imputation decreases the need for producing high coverage genomes since it allows to generate diploid genotypes from low coverage genome sequencing data. GLIMPSE is a recently developed software for imputing low-c...
Insight into impact of high resistance-causing mutations on penicillin binding protein 3 of h. influenzae suggests an alternative approach for combating antibiotic resistance
Alhamwi, Almotasem belah; Atılgan, Canan; Sensoy, Ozge (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Enformatik Enstitüsü; 2022-10)
Currently prescribed antibiotics target predominantly the catalytic site of bacterial proteins. Moreover, they focus on wild-type proteins; however, bacteria adopt mutations to survive in their challenging environment. Acc...
Machine learning-based prediction of survival in cancer using multi-omics data
Çoruh, Ayşe Nur; Doğan, Tunca (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Enformatik Enstitüsü; 2022-10)
Machine learning-based prediction of survival in cancer using multi-omics data Ayşe Nur Çoruh1,2, Tunca Doğan1,2,* 1Biological Data Science Lab, Department of Computer Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 2Dep...
Predictingprotein-protein interactions usingGCN-based encoder-decoder combined with a transformer
ODTÜ, Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Enformatik Enstitüsü; 2022-10)
Predicting protein-protein interactions using GCN-based encoder-decoder combined with a transformer Proteins are large and complex molecules that play countless roles throughout the biological world. They interact through ...
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