Korhan Özkan

Graduate School of Marine Sciences
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science Researcher ID
Response of the submerged macrophyte Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner to warming in different climate regions: A synchronized oligohaline mesocosm experiment
Billah, Md Masum; Yılmaz, Gültekin; Alves Amorım, Cıhelıo; Kuyumcu, Meltem; Arıkan, Onat; KORKMAZ, MUSTAFA; Arık, İrem Gamze; Beklioğlu, Meryem; Jeppesen, Erik; Özkan, Korhan (2025-05-01)
Submerged macrophytes play a crucial role as primary producers and contribute essential ecosystem functions and services, but rising temperatures caused by climate change may alter their functional traits. We aimed to asse...
Causal feedback loops modify lake chlorophyll <i>a</i>-nutrient relationships over two decades of nutrient reductions and climate warming
Fu, Hui; Özkan, Korhan; Johansson, Liselotte Sander; Søndergaard, Martin; Lauridsen, Torben Linding; Yuan, Guixiang; Jeppesen, Erik (2024-08-23)
Understanding how the causal feedback between phytoplankton and environmental drivers controlling the chlorophyll a (Chl a, as a proxy of phytoplankton biomass)-nutrient relationships are modulated under different ecosyste...
Re-oligotrophication and warming stabilize phytoplankton networks
Fu, Hui; Cai, Guojun; Özkan, Korhan; Johansson, Liselotte Sander; Søndergaard, Martin; Lauridsen, Torben L.; Yuan, Guixiang; Jeppesen, Erik (2024-04-01)
Phytoplankton taxa are strongly interconnected as a network, which could show temporal dynamics and non-linear responses to changes in drivers at both seasonal and long-term scale. Using a high quality dataset of 20 Danish...
Census of breeding avifauna and the status of Audouin’s Gull ( Ichthyaetus audouinii ) along the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey
Özkan, Korhan; Yapan, Batuhan (2024-01-01)
We conducted the first extensive breeding bird and habitat survey across 21 islands and islets spanning 600 km of the eastern Mediterranean coastline of Turkey in 2016. Eight of the 21 islands hosted breeding colonies of a...
Multi-stressor effects of salinity and heatwaves on zooplankton grazing in a synchronized mesocosm experiment.
Hasnain, Sarah; Beklioğlu, Meryem; Özkan, Korhan; Jeppesen, Erik; Amorim, Cihelio Alves; Yılmaz, Gültekin; Koru, Meltem (2024-01-01)
Understanding the effects of salinization and climate change on shallow lakes using space-for-time-substitute sampling and two synchronized mesocosm experiments in two different climates, Türkiye.
Amorim, Cihelio Alves; Yılmaz, Gültekin; Korkmaz, Mustafa; Acar, Vildan; Yavuz, Gül Canan; Pacheco, Juan Pablo; Can, Yasemin; Koru, Meltem; Arık, İrem Gamze; Coşkun, Tolga; ÖZGENCİL, İBRAHİM KAAN; ÖZEN, CAN; AKYÜREK, ZUHAL; Özkan, Korhan; BEKLİOĞLU, MERYEM; Jeppesen, Erik (2024-01-01)
The effects of salinization and climate change on shallow lakes of arid landscapes: two mesocosm experiments in two different climate zones in Türkiye
Özkan, Korhan; Alves Amorim, Cihelio; Yılmaz, Gültekin; KORKMAZ, MUSTAFA; Pacheco, Juan Pablo; Yavuz, Gül Canan; Acar, Vildan; Can, Yasemin; Koru, Meltem; Özen, Can; AKYÜREK, SEVDA ZUHAL; BEKLİOĞLU, MERYEM; Jeppesen, Erik (2023-12-12)
Periphyton in a changing world: unravelling the effects of global change stressors on freshwater periphyton in shallow lake mesocosms
Pacheco, Juan Pablo; Aznarez, Celina; Yu, Cao; Liu, Yang; Levi, Eti; KORKMAZ, MUSTAFA; Alves Amorim, Cihelio; Özkan, Korhan; Beklioğlu, Meryem; Battrup-Pedersen, Annette; Jeppesen, Erik (2023-11-10)
Nonlinear responses of shallow lake’s turbid state and nutrients to salinization and climate: two synchronized mesocosm experiments in Türkiye
Alves Amorim, Cihelio; Yılmaz, Gültekin; Acar, Vildan; KORKMAZ, MUSTAFA; Koru, Meltem; Yavuz, Gül Canan; Arık, İrem Gamze; Hasnain, Sarah; COŞKUN, TOLGA; Zhang, Chaoshou; ÖZEN, CAN; AKYÜREK, SEVDA ZUHAL; Özkan, Korhan; BEKLİOĞLU, MERYEM; Jeppesen, Erik (2023-11-10)
Water chemistry and pigment composition of 13 lakes and ponds in Maritime Antarctica
Özkan, Korhan (2023-11-01)
The Antarctic Peninsula has been rapidly warming, resulting in changes to the abundance and surface cover of terrestrial aquatic ecosystems, as well as their ecosystem structure and function. Therefore, comparative studies...
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