Satomi Fukutomi

Graduate School of Social Sciences
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From “Isn’t It Raw?” to Everyday Food: Authenticating Japanese Food in Perth, Australia
Fukutomi, Satomi (2022-02-01)
With a focus on the role of social media, this article examines the ways in which Japanese food is authenticated and popularized as everyday food in Perth, Australia. Preceding the 2000s, Japanese food was scarcely availab...
Working-Class Hospitality and Etiquettes in a Bowl of Rāmen Noodle
Fukutomi, Satomi (University of Hawaiʻi Press, 2015-04-01)
Bottom-up food: making rāmen a gourmet food in Tokyo
Fukutomi, Satomi (2014-06-01)
This article introduces the Japanese concept of kodawari—meaning obession and a detailed personal aesthetic—as an analytical category to think about the process by which everyday foods are valorized as gourmet. I show that...
Consuming Nostalgia in a Bowl of Noodle Soup at the Shin Yokohama Rāmen Museum
Fukutomi, Satomi (2013-01-01)
In the wake of the collapse of Japan’s economic bubble in the early 1990s, nostalgia for a specific era began to suffuse Japanese consumer culture. In 1994, the Shin Yokohama Rāmen Museum (SRM) opened to aid the developmen...
The Past and Present of Japanese Foodways
Fukutomi, Satomi (University of Illinois Press, 2010-10-01)
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