The nomadic Beritanlı tribe and the settlement model social and spatial organizations.

Köroğlu, Meral Özbek


The Transformation process of community and neighborhood shopping centers into retail urban voids: the case of Ankara
Imeri, Monika; Uzun, Cemile Nil; Department of City and Regional Planning (2019)
Globalization has brought substantial changes and challenges to the cities. One of the most indisputable features of globalization is ‘the intensification of flows’ which has significantly affected peoples’ lifestyles and consumption patterns. During globalization, peoples’ preference towards retail increased, making the shopping centers significantly attractive. The shopping center has become an example of modern capitalist consumerism. Nowadays there exist different types of shopping centers where each tr...
The form of social life: seeing beyond informality in emergent design qualities, the case of Yüksel Street in Ankara
Cihanger Medeıros Rıbeıro, Duygu (2022-01-01)
© 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.The general tendency of most socio-spatial research is to separate the theory of lived space from everyday realities. On the contrary, this article aims to connect urban design and everyday life sociology. It follows a spatial ethnography method with data collected during two-year fieldwork in Yüksel Street, a central public space in Ankara, Turkey. As such, the article contains three lines of discussion: locality, everyday life and spatiality. Lo...
The Approach to crime by people representing different socio-economic statues.
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The transformation of public space: city squares as locations for power struggle - the case of Tehran
Soltani, Zohreh; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2011)
This thesis explores the transformation of public spaces, with reference to power relations and the struggle for power. In this regard Tehran has been chosen as the main concern and the case of the study, while in its short history of being the political center of the country, the city has been hosting several uprisings and political tensions that are projected on the body of the city. The agencies of this power struggle will be analyzed sociologically and politically, to comprehend the way public spaces of...
The Lower middle class neighborhood in the metropolitan context: the case of Batıkent (Ankara)
Beşpınar-Ekici, Fatma Umut; Ayata, Sencer; Department of Sociology (2001)
Citation Formats
M. Ö. Köroğlu, “The nomadic Beritanlı tribe and the settlement model social and spatial organizations.,” Middle East Technical University, 1980.