Fethi Kurtiy Şahin

Graduate School of Social Sciences
Scopus Author ID
Ukrayna’nın Maidan’ı, Rusya’nın Savaş
Şahin, Fethi Kurtiy (2020-12-01)
Situation of the Crimean Tatar Diaspora after 2014
Şahin, Fethi Kurtiy (null; 2018-12-04)
2014 Sonrasında Kırım Tatarları ve Ukrayna: Ortak Bir Düşman Karşısında Yeniden Kurulan İlişkiler
Şahin, Fethi Kurtiy (2018-11-01)
Solidarity Between Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar Nationalisms: Towards A More Integrated Nation?
Şahin, Fethi Kurtiy (null; 2018-05-05)
A Bridge Between Ukraine And Turkey: Crimean Tatar Diaspora
Şahin, Fethi Kurtiy (null; 2017-07-31)
Today, Euromaidan and the following ‘Revolution of Dignity’ are considered to be the most important incidents in the history of post-Soviet Ukraine. In addition, the more recent occupation of the Crimean Peninsula and the ...
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