Determination of Optimal Time Intervals for the Dragline Maintenance Using Probabilistic Approaches



Long wave runup on piecewise linear topographies
Kanoğlu, Utku (1998-11-10)
We study long-wave evolution and runup on piecewise linear one- and two-dimensional bathymetries analytically and experimentally with the objective of understanding certain coastal effects of tidal waves. We develop a general solution method for determining the amplification factor of different ocean topographies consisting of linearly varying and constant-depth segments to study how spectral distributions evolve over bathymetry, and apply our results to study the evolution of solitary waves. We find asympt...
Investigation of Hydrodynamic Parameters and the Effects of Breakwaters During the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami in Kamaishi Bay
Sozdinler, Ceren Ozer; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet; Zaytsev, Andrey; Suppasri, Anawat; Imamura, Fumihiko (2015-12-01)
The March 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami was one of the most disastrous tsunami events on record, affecting the east coast of Japan to an extreme degree. Extensive currents combined with flow depths in inundation zones account for this devastating impact. Video footage taken by the eyewitnesses reveals the destructive effect and dragging capability of strong tsunami currents along the coast. This study provides a numerical modeling study in Kamaishi Bay, calculating the damage inflicted by tsunami waves on s...
Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP) Yaklaşımı Kullanılarak Hedef Pazarın Belirlenmesi
Toksarı, Murat; Toksarı, M. Duran (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2011-4)
Bu çalışma, hedef pazarın belirlenmesinde hedef pazar seçim stratejilerini değerlendirerek bütün durumlar için en iyi alternatifi seçmeyi hedeflemektedir. Değerlendirmede, seçimde kullanılacak stratejilerin üstünlüklerinin belirlenmesi ve sistematik olarak karşılaştırılıp değerlendirilmesini sağlayan, çok nitelikli karar verme tekniği olan Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP) tercih edilmiştir. İkili karşılaştırma yargılarındaki sözel belirsizliği daha iyi ifade etmek amacıyla, bulanık AHP tekniklerinden biri o...
Long-Term Production Scheduling Optimization for A Polymetallic Open Pit Mine
Kaydım, Hatice Esin; Gölbaşı, Onur; Department of Mining Engineering (2022-2)
Open-pit production plannings are commonly performed as short-term and long-term production planning. Short-term production planning is generally conducted at the operational level on a weekly and daily basis, while long-term planning determines the production limits on an annual basis that can be divided into semiannual or quarter periods. Therefore, long-term plans set a boundary for short-term plans and require the inclusion of multiple parameters that should be evaluated attentively. The main intention ...
Validation and verification of tsunami numerical models
Synolakis, C. E.; Bernard, E. N.; Titov, V. V.; Kanoğlu, Utku; Gonzalez, F. I. (2008-12-01)
In the aftermath of the 26 December, 2004 tsunami, several quantitative predictions of inundation for historic events were presented at international meetings differing substantially from the corresponding well-established paleotsunami measurements. These significant differences attracted press attention, reducing the credibility of all inundation modeling efforts. Without exception, the predictions were made using models that had not been benchmarked. Since an increasing number of nations are now developin...
Citation Formats
O. Gölbaşı and N. Demirel, “Determination of Optimal Time Intervals for the Dragline Maintenance Using Probabilistic Approaches,” 2013, vol. 1, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: