Infrared (IR) stimulated luminescence from feldspars with linearly increasing excitation light intensity

IR stimulated luminescence signal from potassium and sodium feldspars were studied by linearly increasing the excitation power from zero to a maximum value during the readout. The peak shaped signals observed in both feldspars could be approximated using a linear combination of three first-order components as deduced by curve fitting. The thermal and radiation dose dependent behavior of the IR-stimulated OSL curves were also studied. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Radiation Measurements


Optically stimulated luminescence from quartz measured using the linear modulation technique
Bulur, Enver; Murray, A.S. (2000-12-15)
The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) from heated natural quartz has been investigated using the linear modulation technique (LMT), in which the excitation light intensity is increased linearly during stimulation. In contrast to conventional stimulation, which usually produces a monotonically decreasing signal, linearly increasing the stimulation power gives peaks in the signal as a function of time. In cases where the OSL signal contains more than one component, the linear increase in power of the st...
Optically stimulated luminescence characteristics of BeO nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel method
ALTUNAL, VOLKAN; YEĞİNGİL, ZEHRA; TÜKEN, TUNÇ; Depci, T.; ÖZDEMİR, ALİ CAN; Guckan, V.; Nur, N.; Kurt, K.; Bulur, Enver (2018-11-01)
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) properties of the sol-gel synthesized nano-powders of Beryllium Oxide (BeO) were investigated. Luminescence properties of BeO nanoparticles are dependent on the crystal structure, particle size, and morphology and therefore strongly dependent on the way of synthesis, thus the preparation was modified to enhance the OSL signal from the material. Structural, thermal and morphological properties of BeO in nanopowder and pellet forms were studied using X-Ray Diffraction (...
Use of the LM-OSL technique for the detection of partial bleaching in quartz
Agersnap Larsen, N.; Bulur, Enver; Bøtter-Jensen, L.; McKeever, S.W.S. (2000-12-15)
We present a study of the sensitivity to light (ease-of-bleaching) of the trapped charge in sedimentary quartz grains using an optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technique in which the intensity of the stimulation light is linearly increased during the measurement period. The technique is known as linear modulation OSL (LM-OSL). In controlled laboratory conditions, this technique has been employed to study the ease-of-bleaching of the trapped charge in quartz by comparing the OSL curves of quartz aliqu...
Photo-transferred luminescence from BeO ceramics
Bulur, Enver (2007-03-01)
Temperature and radiation dose dependences of the thermoluminescence, photo-transferred luminescence signals from BeO ceramics were investigated using blue-green stimulation (420-550 nm). Several deep traps that act as sources for the photo-transferred luminescence signals, located in 400-625 degrees C region of the TL glow curve, were distinguished.
Design and implementation of an open-source optically stimulated luminescence measurement system
Maraba, Diren; Bulur, Enver; Department of Physics (2017)
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) is the light emission from an irradiated solid (insulator or a wide band gap semiconductor) upon illumination with light of suitable wavelength. Although the phenomenon has been known for a long time, OSL has emerged as a practically applicable dosimetry technique in the past two decades. Recently introduced materials like alumina and beryllia have found use in the field of radiation dosimetry. The purpose of this study is to design and construct a simple multi-sample...
Citation Formats
E. Bulur, “Infrared (IR) stimulated luminescence from feldspars with linearly increasing excitation light intensity,” Radiation Measurements, pp. 505–512, 1999, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: