Income and Education in Turkey A multivariate analysis

Although the role of education in an economy is emphasized in theoretical studies, empirical literature finds mixed results for the relationship between growth and education. We examine the relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and enrollments in primary, secondary, and high schools, as well as universities in Turkey for 1937-1996, in a multivariate framework. We find that real GDP and educational variables are cointegrated. We also discover different directions of Granger causality between different levels of education and GDP. The generalized forecast error variance decomposition and impulse response analyses seem to confirm the importance of school enrollments in explaining growth.
Education Economics


Financial development and energy consumption in emerging markets: Smooth structural shifts and causal linkages
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This study examines the dynamic interrelationships among financial development, energy consumption, and economic growth in emerging markets by focusing on accounting for structural changes in causal linkages. We first employ the Toda-Yamamoto causality framework and then augment it with a Fourier approximation which captures structural shifts as a gradual/smooth process. The empirical findings show that taking into account gradual structural shifts matters for the causal linkages between financial developme...
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Ozmen, E (Informa UK Limited, 2005-07-15)
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Deunionization and pay inequality in OECD Countries: A panel Granger causality approach
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Institutional approaches to technology and economic history
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Citation Formats
R. Sarı and U. Soytaş, “Income and Education in Turkey A multivariate analysis,” Education Economics, pp. 181–196, 2006, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: