On the monodromy of Milnor open books

Bhupal, Mohan Lal
We present some techniques that can be used to factorize the monodromy of certain Milnor open books. We also describe a class of Milnor open books for which we can explicitly express the monodromy as a product of Dehn twists.


On the Krall-type polynomials on q-quadratic lattices
Alvarez-Nodarse, R.; Adiguzel, R. Sevinik (Elsevier BV, 2011-08-01)
In this paper, we study the Krall-type polynomials on non-uniform lattices. For these polynomials the second order linear difference equation, q-basic series representation and three-term recurrence relations are obtained. In particular, the q-Racah-Krall polynomials obtained via the addition of two mass points to the weight function of the non-standard q-Racah polynomials at the ends of the interval of orthogonality are considered in detail. Some important limit cases are also discussed. (C) 2011 Royal Net...
On equivariant Serre problem for principal bundles
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Let E-G be a Gamma-equivariant algebraic principal G-bundle over a normal complex affine variety X equipped with an action of Gamma, where G and Gamma are complex linear algebraic groups. Suppose X is contractible as a topological Gamma-space with a dense orbit, and x(0) is an element of X is a Gamma-fixed point. We show that if Gamma is reductive, then E-G admits a Gamma-equivariant isomorphism with the product principal G-bundle X x rho E-G(x(0)), where rho : Gamma -> G is a homomorphism between algebraic...
ONSIPER, H (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 1992-03-01)
Given a smooth projective surface X over an algebraically closed field k and a modulus (an effective divisor) m on X, one defines the idle class group Cm(X) of X with modulus m (see 1, chapter III, section 4). The corresponding generalized Albanese variety Gum and the generalized Albanese map um:X|m|Gum have the following universal mapping property (2): if :XG is a rational map into a commutative algebraic group which induces a homomorphism Cm(X)G(k) (1, chapter III, proposition 1), then factors uniquely th...
KIRLAR, Barış Bülent; Cil, Melek (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2017-06-01)
In this paper, we propose a novel encryption scheme based on the concepts of the commutative law of the k-th order linear recurrences over the finite field F-q for k > 2. The proposed encryption scheme is an ephemeral-static, which is useful in situations like email where the recipient may not be online. The security of the proposed encryption scheme depends on the difficulty of solving some Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) problems. It has also the property of semantic security. For k = 2, we propose ...
Improved p-ary codes and sequence families from Galois rings of characteristic p(2)
LİNG, SAN; Özbudak, Ferruh (Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2006-01-01)
This paper explores the applications of a recent bound on some Weil-type exponential sums over Galois rings in the construction of codes and sequences. A family of codes over F-p, mostly nonlinear, of length p(m+1) and size p(2) (.) p(m(D-[D/p2])), where 1 <= D <= p(m/2), is obtained. The bound on this type of exponential sums provides a lower bound for the minimum distance of these codes. Several families of pairwise cyclically distinct p-ary sequences of period p(p(m - 1)) of low correlation are also cons...
Citation Formats
S. ALTINOK BHUPAL and M. L. Bhupal, “On the monodromy of Milnor open books,” TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, pp. 1005–1017, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/41109.