Science and Technology Policy Research Center (TEKPOL), Book / Book chapter

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Entity Type
Publication (7)

Has File(s)
No (5)
Yes (2)

Akçomak, İbrahim Semih (3)
Erdil, Erkan (3)
Meissner, Dirk (2)
Bürken, Serkan (1)
Chataway, Joanna (1)

Entrepreneurial university (2)
Innovation (2)
Academic freedom (1)
Basic research (1)
Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) (1)

Date Issued
2010 - 2020 (7)

Item Type
Book Chapter (7)

Recent Submissions

Middle-technology trap: the case of automotive industry in Turkey
Akçomak, İbrahim Semih (null, 2020-11-01)
Devlet kaynaklı teknolojik gelişme: girişimci devlet ve doğurgan devlet
Akçomak, İbrahim Semih (İletişim Yayınları , 2020-11-01)
Innovation Ecosystems and Universities
Erdil, Erkan; Chataway, Joanna (Springer, 2018)
During the last decades the number of universities extending their initial education and teaching missions towards the triple helix and knowledge triangle paradigms, e.g. knowledge and technology transfer and innovation ha...
Targeting on Innovation: Potentials and Limits of Entrepreneurial Universities
Meissner, Dirk; Erdil, Erkan (Springer, 2018)
Innovation has become a frequently quoted and lived central missions of universities. This book demonstrates however that the mission is not constant. New challenges and opportunities emerge at different moments in history...
Teknoloji, İnovasyon ve Ekonomik Büyüme
Akçomak, İbrahim Semih (İmge kitabevi, 2014-01-01)
Foreign direct investment and technology spillovers in the Turkish manufacturing industry
Pamukcu, Mehmet Teoman (IGI Global, 2013-01-01)
Technology spillovers from foreign to domestic firms in emerging economies are considered to be the most important channel through which Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) influence the host economy. Empirical evide...
Does Information and Communication Technology Sustain Economic Growth? The Underdeveloped and Developing Countries Case
Erdil, Erkan; Türkcan, Burcu (IGI-Global, 2010-01-01)
This paper tests the impact of ICT on economic growth for underdeveloped and developing countries by using a panel dataset for the period of 1995-2006. We first develop the theory of the relationship between ICT and econom...
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