The Fine Moduli Space of Representations of Clifford Algebras

Given a fixed binary form f(u,v) of degree d over a field k, the associated Clifford algebra is the k-algebra C(f)=k{u,v}/I, where I is the two-sided ideal generated by elements of the form (alpha u+beta v)(d)-f(alpha,beta) with alpha and beta arbitrary elements in k. All representations of C(f) have dimensions that are multiples of d, and occur in families. In this article, we construct fine moduli spaces U=U(f,r) for the irreducible rd-dimensional representations of C(f) for each r >= 2. Our construction starts with the projective curve C subset of P(k)(2) defined by the equation w(d) = f(u, v), and produces U(f,r) as a quasiprojective variety in the moduli space M(r, d(r))of stable vector bundles over C with rank r and degree d(r)=r(d+g-1), where g denotes the genus of C.


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In this note we prove that if either 21 is a Banach-Jordan algebra or a Banach-Lie algebra then all perturbations of the multiplication in 21 give algebras topologically isomorphic with 21 whenever certain small-dimension cohomology groups associated with 21 are vanishing.
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We classify holomorphic as well as algebraic torus equivariant principal G-bundles over a nonsingular toric variety X, where G is a complex linear algebraic group. It is shown that any such bundle over an affine, nonsingular toric variety admits a trivialization in equivariant sense. We also obtain some splitting results.
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Let A be a finite nilpotent group acting fixed point freely by automorphisms on the finite solvable group G. It is conjectured that the Fitting length of G is bounded by the number of primes dividing the order of A, counted with multiplicities. The main result of this paper shows that the conjecture is true in the case where A is cyclic of order p (n) q, for prime numbers p and q coprime to 6 and G has abelian Sylow 2-subgroups.
Non-commutative holomorphic functions in elements of a Lie algebra and the absolute basis problem
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We study the absolute basis problem in algebras of holomorphic functions in non-commuting variables generating a finite-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebra g. This is motivated by J. L. Taylor's programme of non-commutative holomorphic functional calculus in the Lie algebra framework.
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Given a smooth projective surface X over an algebraically closed field k and a modulus (an effective divisor) m on X, one defines the idle class group Cm(X) of X with modulus m (see 1, chapter III, section 4). The corresponding generalized Albanese variety Gum and the generalized Albanese map um:X|m|Gum have the following universal mapping property (2): if :XG is a rational map into a commutative algebraic group which induces a homomorphism Cm(X)G(k) (1, chapter III, proposition 1), then factors uniquely th...
Citation Formats
E. Coşkun, “The Fine Moduli Space of Representations of Clifford Algebras,” INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES, pp. 3524–3559, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: