Determination of adequate funding for unemployment insurance in Turkey

Yıldırım, Hacı Burak
This thesis analyzes future affordability of unemployment insurance fund (UIF) by determining future income of UIF with occurrence of additional expense which is support and incentive payment to firms, in Turkey. Main goal in this thesis work is to study how monthly income of fund can afford support expenses which is being implemented for last one and a half year by fund managers in Turkey. ARIMA model is built for unemployment rate and autoregression model is constructed for predicting future of UIF. Analysis result can give helpful advises for future affordability of UIF to fund managers.


Valuation of life insurance contracts using stochastic mortality rate and risk process modeling
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The Comparison of risk measures on claim distributions: Turkish motor insurance case
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Citation Formats
H. B. Yıldırım, “Determination of adequate funding for unemployment insurance in Turkey,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Applied Mathematics. Financial Mathematics., Middle East Technical University, 2019.