Minimal massive gravity: Conserved charges, excitations, and the chiral gravity limit

We find the excitations and construct the conserved charges (mass and angular momentum) of the recently found minimal massive gravity (MMG) in 2 + 1 dimensions in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes. The field equation of the theory does not come from an action and lacks the required Bianchi identity needed to define conserved charges. But the theory, which also provides a healthy extension of the topologically massive gravity in the bulk and boundary of spacetime, does admit conserved charges for the metric that are solutions. Our construction is based on background Killing vectors and imperative to provide physical meaning to the integration constants in the black hole-type metrics. As an example, we compute the mass and angular momentum of the Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole in MMG. We also find the central charges of the boundary field theory and study the chiral gravity limit of MMG.


Chern-Simons modified general relativity: Conserved charges
Tekin, Bayram (American Physical Society (APS), 2008-01-01)
We construct the conserved charges (mass and angular momentum) of the Chern-Simons modified general relativity in asymptotically flat and anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes. Our definition is based on background Killing symmetries and reduces to the known expressions in the proper limits.
Higgs mechanism for new massive gravity and Weyl-invariant extensions of higher-derivative theories
Dengiz, Suat; Tekin, Bayram (American Physical Society (APS), 2011-07-19)
New massive gravity provides a nonlinear extension of the Fierz-Pauli mass for gravitons in 2 + 1 dimensions. Here we construct a Weyl-invariant version of this theory. When the Weyl symmetry is broken, the graviton gets a mass in analogy with the Higgs mechanism. In (anti)-de Sitter backgrounds, the symmetry can be broken spontaneously, but in flat backgrounds radiative corrections, at the two-loop level, break the Weyl symmetry a la Coleman-Weinberg mechanism. We also construct the Weyl-invariant extensio...
Weyl gauging of topologically massive gravity
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We construct a Weyl-invariant extension of topologically massive gravity, which remarkably turns out to include topologically massive electrodynamics, with a Proca mass term, conformally coupled to a scalar field. The action has no dimensionful parameters; therefore, the masses are generated via symmetry breaking either radiatively in flat backgrounds or spontaneously in constant curvature backgrounds. The broken phase of the theory, generically, has a single massive spin-2 and a massive spin-1 excitation. ...
All bulk and boundary unitary cubic curvature theories in three dimensions
Gullu, Ibrahim; Sisman, Tahsin Cagri; Tekin, Bayram (American Physical Society (APS), 2011-01-26)
We construct all the bulk and boundary unitary cubic curvature parity invariant gravity theories in three dimensions in (anti)-de Sitter spaces. For bulk unitarity, our construction is based on the principle that the free theory of the cubic curvature theory reduces to one of the three known unitary theories which are the cosmological Einstein-Hilbert theory, the quadratic theory of the scalar curvature, or the new massive gravity (NMG). Bulk and boundary unitarity in NMG is in conflict; therefore, cubic th...
Finite mass gravitating Yang monopoles
CEBECİ, HAKAN; Sarıoğlu, Bahtiyar Özgür; Tekin, Bayram (American Physical Society (APS), 2008-12-01)
We show that gravity cures the infrared divergence of the Yang monopole when a proper definition of conserved quantities in curved backgrounds is used, i.e. the gravitating Yang monopole in cosmological Einstein theory has a finite mass in generic even dimensions (including time). In addition, we find exact Yang-monopole type solutions in the cosmological Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-Yang-Mills theory and briefly discuss their properties.
Citation Formats
B. Tekin, “Minimal massive gravity: Conserved charges, excitations, and the chiral gravity limit,” PHYSICAL REVIEW D, pp. 0–0, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: