Exact solutions and the consistency of 3D minimal massive gravity

Altas, Emel
Tekin, Bayram
We show that all algebraic type-O, type-N and type-D and some Kundt-type solutions of topologically massive gravity are inherited by its holographically well-defined deformation, that is, the recently found minimal massive gravity. This construction provides a large class of constant scalar curvature solutions to the theory. We also study the consistency of the field equations both in the source-free and matter-coupled cases. Since the field equations of MMG do not come from a Lagrangian that depends on the metric and its derivatives only, it lacks the Bianchi identity valid for all nonsingular metrics. But it turns out that for the solutions of the equations, the Bianchi identity is satisfied. This is a necessary condition for the consistency of the classical field equations but not a sufficient one, since the rank-two tensor equations are susceptible to double divergence. We show that for the source-free case the double divergence of the field equations vanishes for the solutions. In the matter-coupled case, we show that the double divergences on the left-hand side and the right-hand side are equal to each other for the solutions of the theory. This construction completes the proof of the consistency of the field equations.


Kundt solutions of minimal massive 3D gravity
Deger, Nihat Sadik; Sarıoğlu, Bahtiyar Özgür (AMER PHYSICAL SOC, ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA, 2015-11-04)
We construct Kundt solutions of minimal massive gravity theory and show that, similar to topologically massive gravity (TMG), most of them are constant scalar invariant (CSI) spacetimes that correspond to deformations of round and warped (A) dS. We also find an explicit non-CSI Kundt solution at the merger point. Finally, we give their algebraic classification with respect to the traceless Ricci tensor (Segre classification) and show that their Segre types match with the types of their counterparts in TMG.
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Weyl gauging of topologically massive gravity
Dengiz, Suat; Kilicarslan, Ercan; Tekin, Bayram (2012-11-06)
We construct a Weyl-invariant extension of topologically massive gravity, which remarkably turns out to include topologically massive electrodynamics, with a Proca mass term, conformally coupled to a scalar field. The action has no dimensionful parameters; therefore, the masses are generated via symmetry breaking either radiatively in flat backgrounds or spontaneously in constant curvature backgrounds. The broken phase of the theory, generically, has a single massive spin-2 and a massive spin-1 excitation. ...
Citation Formats
E. Altas and B. Tekin, “Exact solutions and the consistency of 3D minimal massive gravity,” PHYSICAL REVIEW D, pp. 0–0, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/46382.