Bilhan, Mehpare
Buyruk, Dilek
Özbudak, Ferruh
We list all subfields of cyclotomic function fields over rational function fields with class number three. We also determine all the imaginary abelian extensions with relative class number three, explicitly.


Classification of function fields with class number three
BİLHAN, Mehpare; Buyruk, Dilek; Özbudak, Ferruh (2015-11-01)
We give the full list of all algebraic function fields over a finite field with class number three up to isomorphism. Our list consists of explicit equations of algebraic function fields which are mutually non-isomorphic over the full constant field.
A Mathematical programming evaluation approach for multiple criteria sorting problems
Civelek, Merve; Karasakal, Esra; Department of Operational Research (2019)
Multiple criteria sorting problem is to assign alternatives, evaluated according to multiple criteria, into predefined preference ordered classes. In this study, a new distance metric based sorting method is developed to solve multiple criteria sorting problems without specifying class thresholds between preference-ordered classes. The aim of the proposed method is to assign each alternative to one class or a set of possible adjacent classes considering the distance to class centroids. In the proposed metho...
Additive polynomials and primitive roots over finite fields
Özbudak, Ferruh (2001-01-01)
We prove existence of primitive roots with a prescribed nonzero image using the arithmetic of algebraic function fields for a class of polynomials over sufficiently large finite fields.
Storage free basis conversion over composite finite fields of odd characteristics
Sial, M Riaz; Akyıldız, Ersan (null; 2013-09-19)
We study the Finite Fields of type Fq, q = p2pn from the efficient implementation point of view. We found that we can represent these fields with irreducible polynomials in the form f(x) = xp − x − a. By using this representation we have found a way of constructing normal basis for the field, together with transmission matrix between normal basis and algebraic basis (Polynomial Basis) of Fq and vice versa. The key point is that this matrix and its inverse can be computed very efficiently without any memory ...
Multi-Criteria Sorting with Category Size Restrictions
Köksalan, Mustafa Murat; Mousseau, Vincent; ÖZPEYNİRCİ, SELİN (2017-01-01)
We consider the multi-criteria sorting problem where alternatives that are evaluated on multiple criteria are assigned into ordered categories. We focus on the sorting problem with category size restrictions, where the decision maker (DM) may have some concerns or constraints on the number of alternatives that should be assigned to some of the categories. We develop an approach based on the UTADIS method that fits an additive utility function to represent the decision maker's preferences. We introduce addit...
Citation Formats
M. Bilhan, D. Buyruk, and F. Özbudak, “CYLOTOMIC FUNCTION FIELDS OVER FINITE FIELDS WITH CLASS NUMBER THREE,” JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, pp. 559–578, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: