'Arty' versus 'Real' Work: Gendered Relations between Industrial Designers and Engineers in Interdisciplinary Work Settings

In feminist studies from the last couple of decades, although social relations between workers have been acknowledged as an important site of gendering, less emphasis has been placed on the gendered implications of interdisciplinary relations. This paper addresses this gap by examining the experiences of industrial designers whose work requires close relationships with engineers. I argue that particular images and symbols associated with certain occupations have strongly gendered implications for their members. My argument is built on the office narratives I have collected through interviews with industrial designers working in various sectors in Turkey. Drawing on these narratives, this article shows that the interdisciplinary relations between engineers and industrial designers are constructed around a series of symbolic dualisms: 'real'/'arty', objective/subjective, technological/aestheticsbased and masculine/feminine. In the organizations where the former side of these dualisms are linked to the ideal technological worker image, and thus valued over the latter, industrial designers find themselves at a disadvantage in their relationships with engineers. In women's stories, the disadvantaged status associated with being a designer is also intertwined with being a woman, deepening their 'gender inauthenticity' for technological work. In light of these arguments, the paper highlights the need for a more critical and gender-sensitive analysis of the relationships in interdisciplinary design teams.


Change in Industrial Designers' Jobs: The Case of Turkey, 1984-2018
Kaygan, Pınar; Ougur, Isil (Informa UK Limited, 2020-08-01)
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Material Semiotics of Form Giving: The Case of the Electric Turkish Coffee Pot
Kaygan, Harun (MIT Press - Journals, 2016-03-01)
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Gender, policy, place: ladies' clubs in Ankara
Çavdar, Selin; Günay, Baykan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2010)
There is a substantial amount of studies concerning the economic, social and political facades of the gender issue, further supported by gender - space discussions. The main aim of this study, however, is to make a survey and analysis of ladies' clubs established and supported by Greater Ankara Municipality; in order to define their problematic. The study intends to discover and analyze the policies and legislation developed by the administration about Ladies’ Clubs, to map their distribution in the city an...
Higher education in Turkey in the context of gender, upward mobility and reproduction of inequalities: a comparative study of the education and engineering faculties
Çevik (Çakıroğlu), Aylin; Hoşgör, Hatice Ayşe; Department of Sociology (2015)
This dissertation analyzes the higher education attainment process, which is related with the upward mobility and/or the reproducing inequality, by genders (across and within genders) in case of the education (as female-dominated field) and engineering (as male dominated field) faculties in Turkey. It is evident that considering their historical backgrounds including the aim of the founding and distribution of gender by years, these two faculties display the gender-based division of labour in higher educati...
Social Design in Turkey through a Survey of Design Media: Projects, Objectives, Participation Approaches
Akdur, Selin Gurdere; Kaygan, Harun (Informa UK Limited, 2019-01-01)
The literature on social design consists of studies that report on single cases on the one hand and global reviews that are offered for theoretical purposes on the other. There is a lack of local reviews that report on social design practices that stem from peculiar political, economic, design professional and educational contexts. In response to this gap, we provide a review of 27 social design practices in Turkey from the last decade. The projects are compiled in accordance with social design criteria der...
Citation Formats
P. Kaygan, “‘Arty’ versus ‘Real’ Work: Gendered Relations between Industrial Designers and Engineers in Interdisciplinary Work Settings,” DESIGN JOURNAL, pp. 73–90, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/47576.