Hamilton-Jacobi theory of discrete, regular constrained systems

Güler, Y.
The Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation of a discrete system with constraint equationsG α=0 is constructed making use of Carathéodory’s equivalent Lagrangian method. Introduction of Lagrange’s multipliersλ˙α as generalized velocities enables us to treat the constraint functionsG α as the generalized momenta conjugate toλ˙α. Canonical equations of motion are determined.
Il Nuovo Cimento B Series 11


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Hamilton-Jacobi theory of continuous systems
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The Hamilton-Jacobi partial differnetial equation for classical field systems is obtained in a 5n-dimensional phase space and it is integrated by the method of characteristics. Space-time partial derivatives of Hamilton’s principal functionsS μ (Φ i ,x ν ) (μ,ν=1,2,3,4) are identified as the energy-momentum tensor of the system.
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Numerical studies of the electronic properties of low dimensional semiconductor heterostructures
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An efficient numerical method for solving Schrödinger's and Poisson's equations using a basis set of cubic B-splines is investigated. The method is applied to find both the wave functions and the corresponding eigenenergies of low-dimensional semiconductor structures. The computational efficiency of the method is explicitly shown by the multiresolution analysis, non-uniform grid construction and imposed boundary conditions by applying it to well-known single electron potentials. The method compares well wit...
Integrable boundary value problems for elliptic type Toda lattice in a disk
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The concept of integrable boundary value problems for soliton equations on R and R+ is extended to regions enclosed by smooth curves. Classes of integrable boundary conditions in a disk for the Toda lattice and its reductions are found. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Citation Formats
Y. Güler, “Hamilton-Jacobi theory of discrete, regular constrained systems,” Il Nuovo Cimento B Series 11, pp. 267–276, 1987, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/52017.