The CHANDRA data of the classical nova RR Pic (1925): A possible magnetic cataclysmic variable candidate

Balman, Şölen
Kupcu-Yoldas, A
During 25ksec of CHANDRA ACIS-S3 observations of the old nova RR Pic 1925 a count rate of 0.067 +/- 0.0017 c/s was detected. The results show evidence (spatial and spectral) for X-ray emission from the region around the prominent SW blob in the Ha images. Shell emission is detected with count rate greater than or equal to (1.95 +/- 1.33)X10(-3) c/s. The spectral analysis shows that the source spectrum can not be explained by a single or two temperature bremsstrahlung or VMEKAL models including photoelectric absorption, only models using powerlaw distribution of temperature fit the data well and indicate excess O, Al, Mg, S, and Si in the source spectrum. A soft excess in the CHANDRA data could be explained by a partial covering absorber model with covering fraction in a range 14-86% consistent with characteristics of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable systems. The light curve shows significant orbital and other modulations.


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Citation Formats
Ş. Balman and A. Kupcu-Yoldas, “The CHANDRA data of the classical nova RR Pic (1925): A possible magnetic cataclysmic variable candidate,” 2002, vol. 315, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: