A Proof of the Lucas-Lehmer Test and its Variations by Using a Singular Cubic Curve

We give another proof of the Lucas-Lehmer test by using a singular cubic curve. We also illustrate a practical way to choose a starting term for the Lucas-Lehmer-Riesel test by trial and error. Moreover, we provide a nondeterministic test for determining the primality of integers of the form N = hp(n) - 1 for any odd prime p. We achieve these by using the group structure on a singular cubic curve induced from the group law of elliptic curves.


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We present a new algorithm for residue multiplication modulo the Mersenne prime p = 2(521) - 1 based on the Toeplitz matrix-vector product. For this modulus, our algorithm yields better result in terms of the total number of operations than the previously known best algorithm of Granger and Scott presented in Public Key Cryptography (PKC) 2015. We have implemented three versions of our algorithm to provide an extensive comparison - according to the best of our knowledge with respect to the well-known algori...
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New Efficient Algorithms for Multiplication Over Fields of Characteristic Three
Cenk, Murat; Hasan, M. Anwar (2018-03-01)
In this paper, we first present an enhancement of the well-known Karatsuba 2-way and 3-way algorithms for characteristic three fields, denoted by where nae1. We then derive a 3-way polynomial multiplication algorithm with five 1/3 sized multiplications that use interpolation in . Following the computation of the arithmetic and delay complexity of the proposed algorithm, we provide the results of our hardware implementation of polynomial multiplications over and . The final proposal is a new 3-way polynomial...
A generalized fixed point free automorphism of prime power order
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A New Representation of Elements of Binary Fields with Subquadratic Space Complexity Multiplication of Polynomials
Özbudak, Ferruh; Cenk, Murat (2013-10-01)
In this paper, Hermite polynomial representation is proposed as an alternative way to represent finite fields of characteristic two. We show that multiplication in Hermite polynomial representation can be achieved with subquadratic space complexity. This representation enables us to find binomial or trinomial irreducible polynomials which allows us faster modular reduction over binary fields when there is no desirable such low weight irreducible polynomial in other representations. We then show that the pro...
Citation Formats
Ö. Küçüksakallı, “A Proof of the Lucas-Lehmer Test and its Variations by Using a Singular Cubic Curve,” JOURNAL OF INTEGER SEQUENCES, pp. 0–0, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/55366.