A New Outranking-Based Approach for Assigning Alternatives to Ordered Classes

Köksalan, Mustafa Murat
Mousseau, Vincent
Ozpeynirci, Oezguer
Ozpeynirci, Selin Bilgin
We consider the problem of assigning alternatives evaluated on several criteria into ordered categories C(1), C(2), ..., C(p). This problem is known as the multi-criteria sorting problem and arises in many situations such as classifying countries into different risk levels based on economical and socio-political criteria, evaluating credit applications of bank customers. We are interested in sorting methods that are grounded on the construction Of Outranking relations. Among these, the Electre Tri method requires defining multidimensional profiles that represent the "frontier" separating consecutive categories C(h) and C(h+1). and assigns an alternative to categories according to how it compares to each of the profiles. The explicit specification of the profiles of consecutive categories can be difficult for decision makers. We develop a new Outranking based sorting method that does not require the explicit definition of profiles. We instead require the decision maker to assign a Subset of reference alternatives to the categories. To assign the remaining alternatives. each such alternative is compared to reference alternatives, and assigned to categories accordingly. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 56: 74-85, 2009


A heuristic approach to bicriteria scheduling
Köksalan, Mustafa Murat (Wiley, 1999-10-01)
We consider the problem of sequencing jobs on a single machine while minimizing a nondecreasing function of two criteria. We develop a heuristic procedure that quickly finds a good solution for bicriteria scheduling. The procedure is based on using several arcs in the criterion space that are representative of the possible locations of nondominated solutions. By sampling a small number of points on these arcs, a promising point is identified in the criterion space for each are. An efficient sequence in the ...
An interactive procedure for selecting acceptable alternatives in the presence of multiple criteria
Ulu, C; Köksalan, Mustafa Murat (Wiley, 2001-10-01)
In this paper, we consider the multiple criteria decision-making problem of partitioning alternatives into acceptable and unacceptable sets. We develop interactive procedures for the cases when the underlying utility function of the decision maker is linear, quasiconcave, and general monotone. We present an application of the procedures to the problem of admitting students to the master's degree program at the Industrial Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
An interactive sorting method for additive utility functions
Koeksalan, Murat; Oezpeynirci, Selin Bilgin (Elsevier BV, 2009-09-01)
In this paper, we consider the problem of placing alternatives that are defined by multiple criteria into preference-ordered categories. We consider a method that estimates an additive utility function and demonstrate that it may misclassify many alternatives even when substantial preference information is obtained from the decision maker (DM) to estimate the function. To resolve this difficulty, we develop an interactive approach. Our approach occasionally requires the DM to place some reference alternativ...
Constructing a strict total order for alternatives characterized by multiple criteria: An extension
Dehnokhalaji, Akram; Korhonen, Pekka J.; Köksalan, Mustafa Murat; Nasrabadi, Nasim; Ozturk, Diclehan Tezcaner; Wallenius, Jyrki (Wiley, 2014-03-01)
The problem of finding a strict total order for a finite set of multiple criteria alternatives is considered. Our research extends previous work by us, which considered finding a partial order for a finite set of alternatives. We merge the preference information extracted from the preference cones and corresponding polyhedral sets, with the information derived from pairwise comparisons of two alternatives, yielding a preference matrix. This preference matrix is used as input to an integer programming model ...
An approach for solving discrete alternative multiple criteria problems involving ordinal criteria
Köksalan, Murat; Karwan, Mark H.; Zionts, Stanley (Wiley, 1988-12)
The existence of ordinal criteria is a factor that complicates multiple criteria problems. In this article we develop an approach for the problem of choosing among discrete alternatives assuming that criteria are ordinal. The approach requires pairwise comparisons of alternatives by the decision maker. Based on these comparisons, presumably inferior alternatives are eliminated. Experience on randomly generated problems indicates that the approach usually chooses one of the most preferred alternatives and re...
Citation Formats
M. M. Köksalan, V. Mousseau, O. Ozpeynirci, and S. B. Ozpeynirci, “A New Outranking-Based Approach for Assigning Alternatives to Ordered Classes,” NAVAL RESEARCH LOGISTICS, pp. 74–85, 2009, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/56440.