The physics of randomness and regularities for languages in terms of random matrices

Tuncay, C.
The physics of randomness and regularities for languages (mother tongues) and their lifetimes and family trees and for the second languages (bilinguals) are studied in terms of two processes: random multiplicative noise and fragmentation. We start with various random initial worlds and come out with regularities which are all similar to the present empirical data for the above-mentioned terms. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2008.


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Mental models are coherently organized knowledge structures used to explain phenomena. They interact with social environments and evolve with the interaction. Lacking daily experience with phenomena, the social interaction gains much more importance. In this part of our multiphase study, we investigate how instructional interactions influenced students' mental models about the quantization of physical observables. Class observations and interviews were analysed by studying students' mental models constructe...
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Aad, G.; et. al. (IOP Publishing, 2011-05-24)
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The processing of morphologically complex words by developing readers of Turkish: a masked priming study
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The processing of morphologically complex words has been studied in many languages, leading to a variety of theoretical accounts. Prime type, individual differences, and cross-linguistic effects have emerged as potential factors in morphological processing, but the findings so far have been inconclusive, especially for young children. This study investigated the early stages of morphological processing in Turkish-speaking children using the visual masked priming paradigm. We used different prime conditions ...
Citation Formats
C. Tuncay, “The physics of randomness and regularities for languages in terms of random matrices,” EPL, pp. 0–0, 2008, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: