Pessimism in Thomas Hardy's poetry.

Özdağ, Hakan


Alienation in Marx and Baudrilliard
Yelman, Sirel; Ceylan, Yasin; Department of Philosophy (2012)
Alienation is a one of the central concepts in Marx’s philosophy. It has positive and negative implications regarding man’s self realization in nature. It is also about discussion on ontology of work. Moreover, it has led Marx to design new society models for human beings. Alienation in Marx is analyzed together with political economy and its concepts. Baudrilliard’s alienation discourses in contemporary age include arguments in terms of consumerism and technology in today’s developed world. While Marx’s th...
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Shores, Corry Michael (2022-12-01)
Vivian Sobchack’s Merleau-Pontian phenomenology of embodied film experience is applicable, with certain modifications, to the embodied comics experience, especially when considering her analyses of Gestalt closure, bodily affectivity, and synaesthesia. We adopt these concepts yet with a different aim, namely, to account for shocking, disorienting, and decompositional embodied comics experiences of dramatically deformed bodies. For this task, we employ Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of shocking sensations and t...
Scrupulosity in Islam: A Comparison of Highly Religious Turkish and Canadian Samples
Inozu, Mujgan; Clark, David A.; Karancı, Ayşe Nuray (2012-03-01)
Scrupulosity is a form of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) characterized by a tendency to have persistent doubts about God, sin, and the adequacy of one's religious behaviors and devotion. To date, no published studies have compared scrupulosity in high- and low-religious Muslim and Christian samples. In the present study religious school students as well as high- and low-religious university students in Turkey and Canada were compared on the Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity (PIS), Obsessive Beliefs Questi...
Idiosyncratic narratives : mudéjar architecture and its historiography in Spain
Özkan Altınöz, Meltem; Peker, Ali Uzay; Department of History of Architecture (2013)
The Iberian Peninsula has witnessed the emergence of an architectural style called Mudéjar, whose origin and practice is still subject to discussion. It appeared in the 11th century after the Christian Reconquista - reconquest (conquest over Muslims) in the Iberian Peninsula by the Catholic Kingdoms. Yet, as far back as the 8th century Islamic, Christian and Jewish tastes intermingled in the same location to influence what was to become known as the Mudéjar artistic style. The studies that define Mudéjar or...
Transcendence and the human condition: Reflections on Kant, Heidegger and Levinas
Çırakman, Elif (2004-08-17)
Citation Formats
H. Özdağ, “Pessimism in Thomas Hardy’s poetry.,” Middle East Technical University, 1987.