Defining and computing equivalent inductances of gapped iron core reactors

Donuk, Atilla
Rotaru, Mihai
Sykulski, Jan K.
The paper revisits the fundamental definitions and explores computational alternatives of equivalent inductances of gapped iron core reactors. Unlike in a transformer, the physical meaning of component inductances of a reactor is subject to uncertainty and open to different interpretations, leading to various equivalent circuits. It is argued that a definition based on flux distribution may not be reliable and calculations based on energy or co-energy are thus preferable.


Modeling and design of iron-core shunt reactors with discretely distributed air-gaps
Dönük, Atilla; Ermiş, Muammer; Bilgin, Hazım Faruk; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2012)
In this research work detailed parallel and series equivalent circuits of a gapped iron-core shunt reactor with discretely distributed gaps are derived. The validity of the recommended equivalent circuits is verified by Finite Element Analysis and laboratory tests. Effects of fringing flux and discretely distributed gaps on inductance parameters and reactor losses are also investigated. Moving Strip Method for discretely distributed gapped shunt reactors is recommended. Two design procedures for shunt react...
Prediction of ducted diaphragm noise using a stochastic approach with adapted temporal filters
Karban, Ugur; Schram, Christophe; Sovardi, Carlo; Polifke, Wolfgang (SAGE Publications, 2019-01-01)
The noise production by ducted single- and double-diaphragm configurations is simulated using a stochastic noise generation and radiation numerical method. The importance of modeling correctly the anisotropy and temporal de-correlation is discussed, based on numerical results obtained by large eddy simulation. A new temporal filter is proposed, designed to provide the targeted spectral decay of energy in an Eulerian reference frame. An anisotropy correction is implemented using a non-linear model. The acous...
Equipotential shells for efficient inductance extraction
Beattie, M; Krauter, B; Alatan, Lale; Pileggi, L (2001-01-01)
To make three-dimensional (3-D) on-chip interconnect inductance extraction tractable, it is necessary to ignore parasitic couplings without compromising critical properties of the interconnect system. It is demonstrated that simply discarding faraway mutual inductance couplings can lead to an unstable approximate inductance matrix. In this paper, we describe an equipotential shell methodology, which generates a partial inductance matrix that is sparse yet stable and symmetric. We prove the positive definite...
The Feynman path integral quantization of constrained systems
Muslih, S; Guler, Y (1997-01-01)
The Feynman path integral for constrained systems is constructed using the canonical formalism introduced by Guler. This approach is applied to a free relativistic particle and Christ-Lee model.
Effects of Distributed Air-Gaps in the Iron-Core of Shunt Reactors on Inductance Components and Losses
Donuk, A.; Bilgin, H. F.; Ermiş, Muammer (2012-05-01)
In this paper, effects of dividing the air-gap in the iron-core of shunt reactors into several discrete gaps on inductance parameters of the equivalent circuit, core losses and gap losses are investigated. This is achieved by both analytical calculations and Finite Element Method based analyses. A new method called Moving Strip Method is also introduced to estimate the gap loss in the iron-core of shunt reactors having discretely distributed small air-gaps relative to those with large air-gaps. Theoretical ...
Citation Formats
A. Donuk, M. Rotaru, and J. K. Sykulski, “Defining and computing equivalent inductances of gapped iron core reactors,” PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, pp. 52–55, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: