Correlation tracking based on wavelet domain information

Ipek, HL
Yilmaz, I
Yardimci, YC
Cetin, AE
Tracking moving objects in video can be carried out by correlating a template containing object pixels with pixels of the current frame. This approach may produce erroneous results under noise. We determine a set of significant pixels on the object by analyzing the wavelet transform of the template and correlate only these pixels with the current frame to determine the next position of the object. These significant pixels are easily trackable features of the image and increase the performance of the tracker.


Guenyel, Bertan; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın (2010-09-29)
A multi-resolution motion estimation scheme is proposed for tracking of the true 2D motion in video sequences for motion compensated image interpolation. The proposed algorithm utilizes frames with different resolutions and adaptive block dimensions for efficient representation of motion. Firstly, motion vectors for each block are assigned as a result of predictive search in each pass. Then, the outlier motion vectors are detected and corrected at the end of each pass. Simulation results with respect to dif...
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Sevindik, Emir Can; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2020-10-15)
Visual object tracking aims to find a single object position in a video frame, when a annotated bounding box is provided in the first frame. Correlation filters have always produced excellent results in terms of accuracy, while enjoying quite low computational complexity. The main property of correlation filter based trackers is to find a filter that can generate high values around the true target object location, whereas relatively low values for the locations away from the object. Recently, deep learn...
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Cigla, Cevahir; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın (2009-01-01)
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Eren, Pekin Erhan (1999-10-28)
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Citation Formats
H. Ipek, I. Yilmaz, Y. Yardimci, and A. Cetin, “Correlation tracking based on wavelet domain information,” 2003, vol. 5204, p. 97, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: