Politik Bir Başkaldırı: Mary Leapor'un "Crumble Hall" Şiirinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Sınıf İlişkileri Bağlamında Dilin Kırılması ve Çoğul Perspektif



Politik Bir Şiir ‘Yaşlı Gemici
Birlik, Nurten (2010-12-30)
Heidegger’s fundamental ontology as a political project
Soysal, Zühtücan; Karademir, Aret; Department of Philosophy (2016)
Martin Heidegger’s fundamental ontology has long been debated in relation to Heidegger’s personal political affiliations with National Socialism, and there is a wide scope of interpretations as to whether his thought is essentially linked to the Nazi ideology. The customary way of reading the Heideggerian corpus within this context is to investigate whether or not the fundamental ontology yields a discriminatory political stance in favor of Germans over the rest of the people (or a group of them), and both ...
Politik Sistem Algısı ve Duygular
Solak, Nevın; Sümer, Nebi (Nobel Yayınları, 2015-01-01)
The NGOs as policy actors : the case of TÜSİAD with regard to Turkey's Eu membership
Gündem, Şebnem; Dağı, İhsan Duran; Department of European Studies (2004)
This study explores the effectiveness of NGOs within the policy process and governments2 decisions based on the case of TÜSİAD2s activities with regard to Turkey2s full membership process in the European Union. It firstly explains the process by which NGOs2 have become 3actors4 in world politics. The thesis, then, scrutinizes the role of NGOs in the policy process with regard to pluralist and corporatist paradigms and the concept of power since policy process can not be well understood without this theoreti...
Political leadership and democratic transition : the case of Askar Akaev in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan
Öraz, Seçil; Akçalı, Pınar; Department of Eurasian Studies (2007)
This thesis analyzes the role of political leadership in post-Soviet democratic transition in Kyrgyzstan by looking at the case of Askar Akaev. Despite the fact that a variety of components can be considered as relevant for the democratic transition process in Kyrgyzstan, due to the highly personalistic nature of Kyrgyz politics, the issue of political leadership needs to be addressed for this purpose. In that sense, the converse trajectories of Kyrgyz democratization (an initial democratic leap till mid-19...
Citation Formats
N. Birlik, Politik Bir Başkaldırı: Mary Leapor’un “Crumble Hall” Şiirinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Sınıf İlişkileri Bağlamında Dilin Kırılması ve Çoğul Perspektif. 2016, p. 132.