Modern Bir Akdeniz Metropolüne Doğru



The formation of a modern city: Antalya, 1920s-1980s
Bölükbaş Dayı, Esin.; Altan, T. Elvan.; Department of History of Architecture (2019)
This dissertation examines the place of the concept of “local” in architectural historiography by focusing on the modernization process of Antalya. The analysis of the process is realized within two major contexts. On the one hand, the “peripheral” position of Antalya in canonic historiography is discussed in the frame of center-periphery relations and central-local actors; on the other hand, the developments both in the city center and its hinterlands are examined through the dualities of rural and urban, ...
Modern urban utopias and the case of Dubai
Gökçek, Esin Soydemir; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2011)
Is the concept of the urban utopia now defunct? This is a study of the modern urban utopias of the late 20th century, investigated their recent qualities in respect to capitalist mode of production. Accordingly, a recent example, that of Dubai, will be studied and its rapid growth over the last 20 years will be questioned. The primary objective of this thesis is to provide an understanding of how and to what extent flexible accumulation requires a spatial fix, in particular in new geographies, and mobilizes...
Modeling a modern marble processing plant by using petri net
Çelebi, Neş'e; Keser, Özge; Güyagüler, Tevfik; Department of Mining Engineering (2003)
All developing countries need sufficient raw material resources to develop and to guarantee their future. Considering Turkish natural resources, marble has a great importance because of its demand on the market, reserve amount and quality. However, some effort is required to improve the existing marble production and processing efficiency. Petri nets (PNs) are the information models that control the flow for concurrent and synchronous systems. In this regard, PN application can be useful. However, its appli...
Modern Mimarlık Mirası Korunmalı MI?
Altan, Tomris Elvan (2017-10-01)
Modern İşletme Formlarının Modern olmayan Kökenleri Osmanlı İmparatorluğu nda İşletmelerin Evrimi 1750 1850
Ağır, Münis Seven (null; 2014-10-20)
Citation Formats
F. C. Bilsel, Modern Bir Akdeniz Metropolüne Doğru. 2009.