Psychological Coping Strategies of Syrian Refugees Resettled in Yarımburgaz District, Istanbul

Tepeli, Ayten Deniz
Canel Çınarbaş, Deniz


Psychological adaptation of Turkish students at U S campuses
KAĞNICI, DİLEK YELDA; Demir, Ayhan Gürbüz (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2009-01-01)
The number of Turkish citizens entering the U.S. for their studies is growing more rapidly than almost any other group. The purpose of the current study was to investigate how acculturation factors affect psychological adaptation of Turkish students in the U.S. One hundred and twenty-four Turkish students participated in the study. Regression analyses revealed that social support and self-esteem were predictors of psychological adjustment. Implications suggest that Turkish students, as with other internatio...
Psychological adjustment of children with spastic cerebral palsy
Aytolun, Nilay; Bozo Özen, Özlem; Department of Psychology (2009)
The aim of the present study was to examine the predictive values of sociodemographic variables, parental variables (parental stress, family functioning, parental adjustment, coping methods), and child variables (coping methods, self concept) for the adjustment of children with spastic cerebral palsy. Transactional stress and coping model was used as the conceptual framework for the study. The sample of the study was composed of 80 children with spastic cerebral palsy and one of their parents. Hierarchical ...
Psychological distress and resilience in the aftermath of the Van 2011 Earthquakes in Turkey
Karancı, Ayşe Nuray (null; 2015-04-30)
Psychological adaptation and acculturation of the Turkish students in the United States
Bektaş, Dilek Yelda; Demir, Ayhan Gürbüz; Department of Educational Sciences (2004)
The purpose of this present study was to examine the psychological adaptation of the Turkish students in the U.S. by examining the acculturation variables in Berry̕s (1997) acculturation framework. The sample of this study was the 132 voluntary Turkish students enrolled in various colleges in the U.S. contacted through various Turkish Students Associations of colleges in the U.S., Yahoo groups of the Turkish people who live in the U.S., and Intercollegiate Turkish Student Society. The participants in San An...
Psychological distress and growth among the survivors of the 1999 Marmara Earthquake
Karancı, Ayşe Nuray; GÜNEŞ, HATİCE; Sümer, Nebi; Kazak Berument, Sibel (2003-04-23)
Citation Formats
A. D. Tepeli and D. Canel Çınarbaş, “Psychological Coping Strategies of Syrian Refugees Resettled in Yarımburgaz District, Istanbul,” 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: